Hi Roger, Ivan,
I'd be inclined to agree that if Guide can print to a printer (or
a file), but not "print" to PDF, then it's apt to be something odd
in Acrobat or (more likely, I think) the way Windows uses Acrobat to
"print" PDFs.
A couple of alternative possibilities:
You could produce a .BMP file, then distribute it. I would
recommend converting it from .BMP format, which is _huge_, to something
smaller. If it consists mostly of a picture-like image, such as a DSS
or RealSky image, I'd recommend converting to .JPG. If it's more of a
"vector"-type image, with lines and stars and text, I'd recommend
converting to .GIF or .PNG, probably the latter. (PNGs are smaller,
free of legal issues, and are more widely readable.) Any of these
formats is going to be readable with almost any software.
Or, you could get the GhostView software, which is free. Then use
Guide to produce a PostScript file, and load it into GhostView, and
save it as a PDF. The big advantage of this is that the result is a
for-real vector format, not an image one. You can print it out on a
high-resolution printer without getting jaggies, and the file size tends
to be smaller. My thanks to John Greaves for pointing out this use of
(In the future, I may be able to make use of GhostScript to add a
"Make .PDF File" function in Guide: it will simply produce a PostScript
file, the way Guide already does, then use GhostScript to convert it
to PDF. Unfortunately, this will have to wait until I get new CD-ROMs
produced. The version of GhostScript now on Guide 8.0 disks isn't up
to the job.)
I'll note an FAQ in passing: replication of images and data from Guide
is unrestricted. I do appreciate it if you mention where it all came from,
though, and hope it results in someone deciding they just gotta have my
software. This is also discussed briefly at
-- Bill