"Pseudo-MPEC" for 1964-040B = NORAD 00837 = Vela 2B
Created 2019 Oct 1 1:59:19 UT using Find_Orb
Click here for an explanation of pseudo-MPECs
TLEs are available for this object, and for other artificial satellites listed on these pages.
This object was first found by the Zwicky Transient Facility on 2018 August 30, designated as ZTF00XY, with four observations over 73 minutes. It was enough to make me suspect it might be an artsat, but not enough to prove it, much less say anything about its orbit.
On 2018 September 18, the Catalina Sky Survey found an object that appeared to be a likely artsat. Follow-up confirmed this, and Marco Micheli linked the new data back to the ZTF observations.
I (Bill Gray) then tried to identify the object. There are not many objects in orbits with a period of 6000 minutes. Running the orbit back to the launch date of 1964-040B = Vela 2B on 1964 July 17 got an inclination of 40.9 degrees and perigee height above ground 95518 km. (Here's a graph of inclination and perigee height from launch in 1964 to re-entry in July 2038.) The catalogued initial inclination is 40.7 degrees, perigee 94374 km, orbital period 6002.73 minutes. I'm calling it a match.
More recently, ZTF again found the object on 2019 April 12. The new data led to a greatly improved orbit, one in which the effects of solar radiation pressure could be considered. As a result, I was able to find two previous instances where the object had been imaged, from (G96) Mount Lemmon in 2016 and from (950) La Palma in 2015.
This also enabled me to compute TLEs to compare with historical TLEs provided by Jonathan McDowell (originally from a collection by Allen Thomson, possibly retyped from TLEs distributed on paper.) Following is a TLE computed for 1969 July 2 using the data below, followed by the corresponding TLE from Jonathan. The match is quite good, showing a drift of about 8.5 degrees in mean anomaly over 46 years, but all other orbital elements quite close. (The drift in mean anomaly is to be expected. Any initial uncertainty in mean motion will cause the error in mean anomaly to build up over the decades.)
1964-040B = NORAD 00837 = Vela 2B 1 00837U 64040B 69182.99954041 .00000000 00000-0 00000-0 0 6390 2 00837 038.3251 176.7608 3562837 048.7680 273.7857 00.23997264 05 1 00837U 69183.00000000 .00000000 260 2 00837 38.0798 176.5501 3530009 49.2791 282.2411 0.23981390 4337
Astrometry: EURV027 .C2015 08 15.06755 21 38 33.9 +18 52 31 x22.1 Rq 950 EURV027 .C2015 08 15.06892 21 38 33.5 +18 54 21 x22.5 Rq 950 EURV027 .C2015 08 15.07030 21 38 32.9 +18 56 18 x22.0 Rq 950 EURV027 .C2015 08 15.07167 21 38 32.5 +18 58 08 x22.4 Rq 950 XUB9FF0 C2016 10 30.09964 21 37 04.74 +26 03 22.6 x qNEOCPG96 XUB9FF0 C2016 10 30.10393 21 37 07.22 +26 06 07.7 x19.8 VqNEOCPG96 XUB9FF0 C2016 10 30.11260 21 37 12.17 +26 11 37.6 x19.1 VqNEOCPG96 XUB9FF0 C2016 10 30.13276 21 37 24.04 +26 23 52.2 x19.6 VqNEOCPG96 XUB9FF0 C2016 10 30.13362 21 37 24.62 +26 24 21.9 x qNEOCPG96 XUB9FF0 C2016 10 30.13403 21 37 24.91 +26 24 36.1 x19.8 VqNEOCPG96 ZTF00XY C2018 08 30.21916 17 22 55.61 +23 56 06.7 x UNEOCPI41 ZTF00XY C2018 08 30.21951 17 23 02.66 +23 56 31.6 x UNEOCPI41 ZTF00XY C2018 08 30.26983 17 38 46.94 +24 40 59.7 x15.94RUNEOCPI41 ZTF00XY C2018 08 30.27017 17 38 53.04 +24 41 14.0 x15.94RUNEOCPI41 ZS09798 C2018 09 18.18549 21 58 48.21 +22 24 04.8 x16.9 GVNEOCP703 ZS09798 C2018 09 18.19079 21 58 59.85 +22 22 31.7 16.8 GVNEOCP703 ZS09798 C2018 09 18.19610 21 59 11.40 +22 20 55.0 17.0 GVNEOCP703 ZS09798 C2018 09 18.29370 22 02 44.93 +21 42 26.1 17.5 GVNEOCPI52 ZS09798 C2018 09 18.29383 22 02 45.22 +21 42 22.6 17.4 GVNEOCPI52 ZS09798 C2018 09 18.29396 22 02 45.51 +21 42 18.8 17.5 GVNEOCPI52 ZS09798 C2018 09 18.29408 22 02 45.81 +21 42 14.9 17.5 GVNEOCPI52 ZS09798 KC2018 09 18ymw7EaLp%WHI*yG!
850 ZS09798 KC2018 09 18.yn/hAV1h*'QhAcMZBd$=HFBS9'H/jHWyHFuXW=c8H+Y1Ym-C21`
850 ZS09798 KC2018 09 18Z2\g%6h.8Fa`l6s#S6!AOfCtw/_7CKt1Ql!?T9?;Se
850 ZS09798 KC2018 09 18Li9b_;^h[81U6toM@!)Km*k!wdq*P#1?MX11FmJ2:
850 ZS09798 KC2018 09 18-=jkblhMcM#@^v\1THCT;GfqaMi(Q
850 ZS09798 KC2018 09 188)R
850 ZS09798 KC2018 09 18P%c
850 ZTF02yY C2019 04 12.39201517 37 40.93 +32 07 55.7 ~4CKQ 18.14gUNEOCPI41 ZTF02yY C2019 04 12.39236417 37 46.23 +32 08 11.7 ~4CKQ 18.14gUNEOCPI41 ZTF02yY C2019 04 12.40517017 40 48.62 +32 17 05.0 ~4CKQ 16.87RUNEOCPI41 ZTF02yY C2019 04 12.40551717 40 53.39 +32 17 18.4 ~4CKQ 16.87RUNEOCPI41 ZTF02yY C2019 04 12.42640017 45 35.83 +32 29 41.1 ~4CKQ 15.96RUNEOCPI41 ZTF02yY C2019 04 12.42674817 45 40.43 +32 29 53.0 ~4CKQ 15.96RUNEOCPI41 ZTF05BG C2019 07 30.19855419 01 12.62 +33 33 50.6 ~7UJ7 17.49RUNEOCPI41 ZTF05BG C2019 07 30.19890119 01 14.57 +33 33 46.6 ~7UJ7 17.49RUNEOCPI41 ZTF05BG C2019 07 30.34258219 14 52.31 +32 34 35.8 ~7UJ7 16.59RUNEOCPI41 ZTF05BG C2019 07 30.34292819 14 54.33 +32 34 22.0 ~7UJ7 16.59RUNEOCPI41 C0V6QC2 C2019 08 30.22511 22 15 37.63 +13 49 35.8 16.2 GV G96 C0V6QC2 C2019 08 30.23074 22 15 58.33 +13 44 06.5 16.2 GV G96 C0V6QC2 C2019 08 30.23638 22 16 18.97 +13 38 31.3 16.2 GV G96 C0V6QC2 C2019 08 30.24201 22 16 39.32 +13 32 55.3 16.3 GV G96 Station data: (703) Catalina Sky Survey (N32.417006 W110.732640) US/Arizona. Observer G. J. Leonard. Measurers B. M. Africano, E. J. Christensen, G. A. Farneth, D. C. Fuls, A. R. Gibbs, A. D. Grauer, H. Gröller, J. A. Johnson, R. A. Kowalski, S. M. Larson, G. J. Leonard, R. L. Seaman, F. C. Shelly. 0.68-m Schmidt + 10K CCD. (850) Cordell-Lorenz Observatory, Sewanee (N35.204094 W85.919800) US/Tennessee. Observer D. T. Durig. 0.3-m f/5.0 Schmidt-Cassegrain + CCD. (950) La Palma (N28.760222 W17.882400) Canary Islands (Spain). (G96) Mt. Lemmon Survey (N32.442754 W110.788720) US/Arizona. Observers G. J. Leonard, D. Rankin. Measurers B. M. Africano, E. J. Christensen, G. A. Farneth, D. C. Fuls, A. R. Gibbs, A. D. Grauer, H. Gröller, R. A. Kowalski, S. M. Larson, G. J. Leonard, T. A. Pruyne, R. L. Seaman, F. C. Shelly, D. Rankin. 1.5-m reflector + 10K CCD. (I41) Palomar Mountain--ZTF (N33.357340 W116.859780) US/California. Observer A. U. Tomatic. Measurers H.-W. Lin, F. J. Masci, D. Streaks, Q.-Z. Ye. (I52) Steward Observatory, Mt. Lemmon Station (N32.442547 W110.788920) US/Arizona. Observers T. A. Pruyne, B. M. Africano, E. J. Christensen, G. A. Farneth, D. C. Fuls, A. R. Gibbs, A. D. Grauer, H. Gröller, R. E. Hill, J. A. Johnson, R. A. Kowalski, S. M. Larson, G. J. Leonard, R. G. Matheny, D. Rankin, R. L. Seaman, F. C. Shelly. 1.0-m reflector + CCD. Orbital elements: 1964-040B = NORAD 00837 = Vela 2B Perigee 2019 Mar 30.344460 +/- 1.48e-5 TT = 8:16:01 (JD 2458572.844460) Epoch 2019 Apr 1.0 TT; AMR 0.0076441 +/- 0.000171 m2/kg Gray M 143.0594202884 +/- 0.0012 (J2000 equator) n 86.4125632389 +/- 2.31e-6 Peri. 308.2747564 +/- 0.00051 a109366.81911 +/- 0.00195 Node 182.8810700 +/- 0.00016 e 0.709278223 +/- 3.85e-6 Incl. 32.8194239 +/- 0.00006 P5999.01m/4.166d H 30.8 G 0.15 U 4.1 q 31795.315956 +/- 0.421 Q 186938.32227 +/- 0.424 27 of 42 observations 2018 Sept. 18-2019 Aug. 30; mean residual 1".265
Residuals in arcseconds: 150815 950(40.2- 85.3-) 180918 703(.293+ .184-) 190412 I41 .832+ .237+ 150815 950(38.8- 88.9-) 180918 703 .178+ .188+ 190412 I41 3.63+ .823+ 150815 950(40.1- 86.0-) 180918 703 .065- .032+ 190412 I41 1.82+ .230- 150815 950(38.8- 89.1-) 180918 I52 .320+ .460- 190412 I41 .879+ .473- 161030 G96(25.0- 19.4-) 180918 I52 .079+ .223- 190412 I41 3.62+ .232+ 161030 G96(24.3- 20.2-) 180918 I52 .164- .283- 190412 I41 4.20+ 1.06+ 161030 G96(24.1- 19.6-) 180918 I52 .061+ .730- 190730 I41 .021- .744+ 161030 G96(25.3- 20.3-) 180918 850 .315+ 1.59- 190730 I41 2.98- 1.36+ 161030 G96(24.7- 21.0-) 180918 850 1.26- .195+ 190730 I41 1.36- .720+ 161030 G96(24.3- 21.3-) 180918 850 1.22+ 1.27- 190730 I41 2.1m+ .917- 180830 I41(40.3- 9.17-) 180918 850 .519+ .011- 190830 G96 .248- .604+ 180830 I41(39.8- 7.76-) 180918 850 .070+ .149- 190830 G96 .448- 1.02+ 180830 I41(28.0- 4.93-) 180918 850 2.78- .259+ 190830 G96 .365+ .179- 180830 I41(26.7- 4.46-) 180918 850 1.24- .269- 190830 G96 .350- .961+ Ephemerides (geocentric): Date (UTC) HH RA Dec delta r elong mag " sig PA ---- -------- -------------- ----------- ----- ------ ----- --- -------- 2019 08 30 00 21 49 52.026 +18 00 44.94 170761 1.0109 150.8 17.3 .102 16 2019 08 30 01 21 53 51.755 +17 25 08.28 169168 1.0109 151.7 17.3 .119 178 2019 08 30 02 21 57 54.607 +16 48 30.87 167461 1.0109 152.6 17.3 .148 164 2019 08 30 03 22 02 01.023 +16 10 48.05 165639 1.0109 153.5 17.2 .186 155 2019 08 30 04 22 06 11.484 +15 31 54.67 163698 1.0109 154.4 17.1 .229 149 2019 08 30 05 22 10 26.511 +14 51 45.04 161638 1.0108 155.3 17.1 .278 144 2019 08 30 06 22 14 46.679 +14 10 12.82 159457 1.0108 156.2 17.0 .333 141 2019 08 30 07 22 19 12.621 +13 27 10.97 157151 1.0108 157.1 17.0 .392 139 2019 08 30 08 22 23 45.041 +12 42 31.63 154719 1.0108 158.0 16.9 .458 137 2019 08 30 09 22 28 24.725 +11 56 05.96 152158 1.0108 158.9 16.9 .529 135 2019 08 30 10 22 33 12.559 +11 07 44.02 149465 1.0108 159.7 16.8 .607 134 2019 08 30 11 22 38 09.545 +10 17 14.57 146637 1.0107 160.6 16.7 .693 133 2019 08 30 12 22 43 16.827 +09 24 24.86 143670 1.0107 161.3 16.7 .787 132 2019 08 30 13 22 48 35.721 +08 29 00.31 140561 1.0107 162.0 16.6 .891 132 2019 08 30 14 22 54 07.748 +07 30 44.26 137307 1.0107 162.6 16.5 1.01 131 2019 08 30 15 22 59 54.686 +06 29 17.47 133902 1.0106 163.1 16.4 1.13 131 2019 08 30 16 23 05 58.630 +05 24 17.70 130343 1.0106 163.5 16.4 1.28 130 2019 08 30 17 23 12 22.069 +04 15 18.99 126625 1.0106 163.6 16.3 1.44 130 2019 08 30 18 23 19 07.992 +03 01 50.97 122743 1.0105 163.6 16.2 1.62 130 2019 08 30 19 23 26 20.031 +01 43 17.80 118691 1.0105 163.2 16.2 1.82 129 2019 08 30 20 23 34 02.653 +00 18 56.99 114464 1.0105 162.5 16.1 2.05 129 2019 08 30 21 23 42 21.424 -01 12 02.18 110057 1.0104 161.4 16.1 2.33 128 2019 08 30 22 23 51 23.386 -02 50 40.63 105463 1.0104 160.0 16.0 2.64 128 2019 08 30 23 00 01 17.600 -04 38 11.81 100679 1.0103 158.1 16.0 3.01 128 2019 08 31 00 00 12 15.950 -06 36 04.59 95699 1.0103 155.8 15.9 3.45 127 2019 08 31 01 00 24 34.353 -08 46 06.37 90520 1.0102 153.0 15.9 3.99 126 2019 08 31 02 00 38 34.644 -11 10 25.90 85143 1.0102 149.6 15.9 4.64 126 2019 08 31 03 00 54 47.598 -13 51 33.74 79574 1.0101 145.5 15.8 5.45 125 2019 08 31 04 01 13 57.889 -16 52 15.55 73825 1.0100 140.7 15.8 6.47 123 2019 08 31 05 01 37 12.419 -20 15 04.80 67925 1.0100 134.8 15.8 7.78 121 2019 08 31 06 02 06 14.325 -24 01 01.08 61932 1.0099 127.7 15.8 9.49 118 2019 08 31 07 02 43 45.168 -28 05 48.30 55945 1.0098 118.9 15.8 11.7 114 2019 08 31 08 03 33 50.859 -32 10 37.39 50146 1.0097 107.9 15.9 14.7 107 2019 08 31 09 04 41 45.096 -35 22 18.42 44846 1.0096 94.0 16.2 18.3 98 2019 08 31 10 06 10 03.374 -35 49 46.20 40542 1.0095 76.8 16.7 22.2 85 2019 08 31 11 07 50 10.695 -31 18 31.68 37894 1.0094 56.5 17?? 25.1 71 2019 08 31 12 09 24 05.873 -21 38 58.41 37485 1.0094 35.3 20?? 25.0 60 2019 08 31 13 10 41 43.847 -09 41 23.92 39421 1.0093 18.5 24?? 21.9 55 2019 08 31 14 11 44 04.268 +01 30 08.76 43241 1.0093 18.1 24?? 17.5 54 2019 08 31 15 12 35 05.158 +10 34 18.87 48269 1.0093 29.1 21?? 13.4 55 2019 08 31 16 13 17 56.890 +17 27 49.31 53943 1.0093 40.0 20?? 10.2 57 2019 08 31 17 13 54 44.036 +22 34 44.85 59893 1.0093 49.2 19?? 7.78 61 2019 08 31 18 14 26 47.669 +26 21 17.50 65900 1.0093 56.9 19?? 6.02 64 2019 08 31 19 14 55 03.245 +29 08 37.94 71841 1.0093 63.4 18.8 4.72 67 2019 08 31 20 15 20 10.954 +31 12 26.08 77646 1.0093 68.9 18.6 3.74 70 2019 08 31 21 15 42 41.356 +32 43 58.73 83278 1.0093 73.7 18.5 2.99 74 2019 08 31 22 16 02 58.519 +33 51 21.65 88721 1.0093 77.9 18.4 2.40 76 2019 08 31 23 16 21 21.860 +34 40 25.73 93966 1.0094 81.6 18.3 1.94 79 2019 09 01 00 16 38 07.293 +35 15 27.11 99012 1.0094 84.9 18.3 1.57 82 2019 09 01 01 16 53 28.018 +35 39 34.94 103860 1.0094 88.0 18.3 1.26 84 2019 09 01 02 17 07 35.070 +35 55 10.58 108514 1.0094 90.7 18.2 1.01 87 2019 09 01 03 17 20 37.739 +36 04 00.87 112980 1.0095 93.2 18.2 .803 90 2019 09 01 04 17 32 43.889 +36 07 27.48 117263 1.0095 95.6 18.2 .629 92 2019 09 01 05 17 44 00.214 +36 06 33.43 121369 1.0095 97.8 18.2 .481 95 2019 09 01 06 17 54 32.437 +36 02 07.80 125302 1.0095 99.8 18.2 .356 99 2019 09 01 07 18 04 25.475 +35 54 49.18 129068 1.0096 101.7 18.2 .249 103 2019 09 01 08 18 13 43.570 +35 45 08.10 132673 1.0096 103.5 18.2 .159 111 2019 09 01 09 18 22 30.401 +35 33 28.90 136122 1.0096 105.2 18.2 .086 129 2019 09 01 10 18 30 49.167 +35 20 11.12 139418 1.0096 106.8 18.2 .049 5 2019 09 01 11 18 38 42.667 +35 05 30.52 142566 1.0096 108.4 18.2 .077 58