Owen Brazell Dec 31, 1999
>1-800-926-6012 and complete a quote today to start saving money tomorrow or
>Open Guide, find the sun, right click on it for selection then go to the
>moon and do the same, select extra, show eclipse is at the bottom, select it
>and you should be in Earth map view with eclipse track displayed.
>I was in Denmark in October, I truly enjoyed my stay in Viborg and Vardes.
>You have a beautiful country.
>I hope this will help.
>Edmonton, Canada
>>Hello to the list :-)
>>Im new to this list and i´ve been a guide user for about
>>3 months. This program is simply the best!!!. Before i
>>bought the software a fellow amatuer astromomer showed
>>it to me, he showed me a funktion the shows solar eclipces
>>graphiclly on an Earth chart. I can´t seem to find this funktion
>>can anyone help??
>>Thanks in advance
>>Johnny Andersen
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