Re: [guide-user] No response from Charon

Jan van Gijsen Dec 11, 2000

Hello Andre,
starting charon from guide 7 using Alt C and then typing "charon" sometimes caused troubles within
charon on my PC. In that case i was not able to select a pic by hitting the spacebar. the "photo" shown in the charon menu
starts with C:\guide7\charon.exe though i have guide on my D drive.
What you migth try: shut down all windows applications including guide7.
open a dos box using START - PROGRAMs - MS DOSprompt. Try starting charon from here. Select a FIT or ST6
image from the guide7\image directory. This helped my to get charon back into operation.
Note that I'm using a charon version from 29-02-2000 (291 Kb). But it maybe worth a try.
Clear Skies,
----- Oorspronkelijk bericht -----
Van: Andre van Staden
Verzonden: maandag 11 december 2000 15:53
Onderwerp: [guide-user] No response from Charon

Guide users
I did use Guide 5 (Dos) + Charon with success in the past however with
Win98 - Guide 7 + Upgrade + Charon (latest  from web) , I am unable to
start Charon.exe or launch it from Guide 7 (Alt C). I get to the point where
 I "OK" the specified image file (in my case a CB245 raw file).
The screen briefly try to change resolution and return to the Guide window.
After copying Dos4gw.exe in the Guide directory I was able to start Charon.exe
but was still unable to load my images. Try launching it now from Guide crashes
the computer!
I have tried different computers/Screen resolutions and the DOS version.
Am I missing something ? Do you have an advice ?
Thanks for your time.
 -- AndrĂ©

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