attn Bill .. or other legal person - GUIDE copies

stripe1966 Sep 17, 2013

I know that GUIDE 9 is licensed differently. From the web site it says:



How is Guide 9.0 licensed?

Guide 9.0 is distributed under the GNU General Public License. This basically means you can use the software as you wish, including making copies for anyone you wish. (There are some limitations -- GPL doesn't mean "public domain" -- but the limits are not nearly as severe as with "normal" software licenses.)

Therefore, if you wish to purchase a copy and make duplicates for your school, astronomy club, neighbors, etc... go ahead; it's legal.



I had an idea about making 2 or 3 copies of the software and giving them away at a star party as door prizes. Attendees have to pay registration fees to attend this star party and many other big time dealers (Meade, Celestron, TeleVue, DayStar, etc.) have donated door prizes.


Is the idea of giving copies of GUIDE 9 as door prizes to paying guests at a star party legal????


Thanks all! AND ESPECIALLY BILL....THANK YOU for such an AWESOME product! I've been a constant user since 1996 and I still find it incredible to use out in the field.


-Scott Kranz