RE: [guide-user] conjunction tables for mercury and venus

Glen Deen Aug 19, 2013

Thank you very much.


From: [] On Behalf Of Grzegorz Czepiczek
Sent: Monday, August 19, 2013 9:40 AM
Subject: Re: [guide-user] conjunction tables for mercury and venus

These tables have in the program:

Main Menu -> Tables -> Miscellaneous tables
Elongations of Venus, 1990 to 2070 - the files.\events\venuselo.etb

Elongations of Mercury, 1990 to 2070 - the files .\events\ mercuelo.etb


From: Glen Deen <glen.deen@... <> >
To: <>
Sent: Sunday, August 18, 2013 10:26 PM
Subject: [guide-user] conjunction tables for mercury and venus

My Guide 9 user manual got lost. Is there a way I could download a pdf file
of it?

If not, could someone please tell me how to generate tables of inferior and
superior conjunctions for Mercury and Venus?


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