Re: [guide-user] Real Sky

Roy Diffrient Aug 18, 2013

The new disks should duplicate the structure of the original Real Sky CD's.
Each disk has more than 100 folders of data files -- Using an XP machine,
copy all of those folders onto a USB drive. Assuming you have a large USB
drive, you can create a folder for each CD, such as "RealSkyDisk1", but
don't copy those new folders onto the DVD's. On your Win 7/8 machine, write
only the Real Sky data folders for each CD onto a new DVD. Create the DVD
as a data or USB drive, not as an audio, video, or picture disk, of course.
Both the copying of the Real Sky CD and writing the DVD will each require
several hours, so duplicating the set will take several days. The title of
each DVD doesn't seem to matter to Guide -- Good thing too, as the original
CD titles don't seem to fit on the DVD's. I used Windows resources for
doing this -- Other methods may differ. The procedure for seeing the Real
Sky images in Guide is the same as on an XP machine -- Remember that to see
the images you will typically need to set the display scale (the Level) to
one degree or smaller.

Roy Diffrient

-----Original Message-----
Re: Real Sky
Posted by: "Konstantin v. Poschinger" k.poschinger@...
Date: Sat Aug 17, 2013 10:21 am ((PDT))

Hi Roy,

how you set the datas. All in one folder, or one folder for every CD?


Konstantin v. Poschinger

Hammerichstr. 5
22605 Hamburg
0171 1983476

Am 17.08.2013 um 17:51 schrieb Roy Diffrient:

> Thanks, Owen. Updating the Guide software seems to have done the trick --
> Working now on DVD copies.
> Roy
> Re: Real Sky
> Posted by: "Owen Brazell" owen@... obrazell
> Date: Tue Aug 13, 2013 11:15 pm ((PDT))
> I copied all the files from the CD�s via an XP machine onto a USB disk and
> run them from there. I have not tried putting them back on a DVD (saw no
> point really). It did take a very long time to copy the files but it seems
> to work with a number of different programs that support RealSky including
> Guide.
> Bill did make a fix for Guide as there was a bug so make sure you use the
> latest in testing update.
> Owen
> From: [] On
> Behalf Of Roy Diffrient
> Sent: 13 August 2013 10:49 PM
> To:
> Subject: [guide-user] Real Sky
> Some months ago there was a brief discussion here about getting the Real
> Sky
> CD-ROM set to work with Guide on Windows 7/8. Real Sky works fine via
> Guide
> on Win XP, but Microsoft �improved� later Windows versions by eliminating
> small disk data chunks, and as a result Win 7 does not recognize the Real
> Sky CD�s. The proposed fix was to copy the CD�s onto a USB drive using an
> XP
> machine, and transfer the files to a new disc on a Win 7 machine.
> Unfortunately I found that when the files were ready to copy onto a new
> disk, the total size had somehow expanded so that they no longer fit on a
> CD-R (over 800 MB vs. about 650 MB capacity). I then tried copying to a
> DVD.
> That also didn�t work, Guide 9 doesn�t produce any Real Sky images �
> Instead
> I get a message to re-insert the Guide CD. Doing that apparently does
> nothing. So, has anyone managed to get Real Sky disk images via Guide 9 on
> a
> Win 7/8 machine, and if so, how?
> Thanks,
> Roy Diffrient
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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