Spanish guide Tutorial 9.0

pastorgalactico Jul 24, 2013


I sent this email to the instructions Transcribing English to Spanish for permission to use that tutorial and improve the guide9.0 and email address mails me back.
Can anyone tell me which way is now the author.


Not if you know me, my name is Joaquin Tapioles (pastorgalactico) and I am a user of guide9.0.
I downloaded the tutorial guide in Spanish and I would like to contribute something to this tutorial incorporating some pictures to enjoy more and better understanding.
To do so would want to use the instructions you've transcribed your Spanish.
So I ask permission to use the Spanish transquiccion to these instructions and enhance them with pictures and some new things from guide9.0
If you have suggestions or whatever about 9.0 guide tutorial I ablamos comets and ok.




No se si me conoceras, me llamo Joaquin Tapioles ( pastorgalactico) y soy un usuario de guide9.0.
Me he bajado el tutorial de guide en español y me gustaria aportar algo a ese tutorial incorporando algunas imagenes para que guste mas y que se comprenda mejor.
Para ello querria usar las instrucciones que has transcrito tu al español.
Por eso te pido el permiso para usar esa transquiccion al español de esas instrucciones y mejorarlas con imagenes y algunas cosas nuevas del guide9.0
Si tienes alguna sugerencia o lo que sea sobre el tutorial de guide 9.0 me lo comentas y lo ablamos ok.

