Re: [guide-user] Guide planet details

James Ellis Dec 9, 2000


Try selecting Data Shown - Planets - Bitmap Planets -
There is an option for just a disk to be displayed and this is what you
might have it stuck on.
Also there is an option when you right click on a planet which I think has
that option.

I just had to dig this out of the lil' blue book - my update just failed!


At 09:55 AM 9/12/00 +0000, you wrote:
>Transferring Guide to a portable computer for demonstrating to the local
>astronomical society, for some reason, zooming into the planets gives only a
>grey, featureless disc - whereas on the normal computer, all the details are
>there. I have checked that the directory contents are identical, so what is
>Any help much appreciated. I was showing our group the view through a
>telescope, so was a little embarrassed when the details were not there.
>Lawrence Harris
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