Guide 9 - Representation of meteor showers

alfredo caronia Jul 6, 2013

Hi All!

I verified, by searching by Guide 9 with the command "Go to TDF.Object -
Meteor Showers IMO", that are not included various meteor showers
taken from the list IMO used as reference in Guide 9!


*Northern Daytime omega Cetids (NOC) - Results: Object Not Found.*

Same results ( object not found) for the following meteor shower:

*- The shower Eta Lyrids (ELY)**

- April rho Cygnids (ARC),

- Comet Halley Age Aquariids (EAQ),

- The annual Northern June Aquilids (NZC)*

and so on .

Also, if I try to find, with the command "Go to TDF.Object - IMO Meteor
the meteor indicated by the following name:

*Southern Daytime omega Cetids (OCE) *
when I type " OCE " , Guide 9 gives this result: " *Radiant** of Meteor
Omikron-Centaurids IMO (International Meteor Organization) acronym: OCE* ".

What are the reasons for this?

However, I suggest finding the ability to make these data upgradeable regard
to the periodic updates of the list of meteor showers that is to be
accordingly amended or supplemented!

Note: Links used by the undersigned:



Alfredo Caronia

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