Rolf Stadelmaier Apr 4, 2013
----- Original Message -----
From: patrick469034
Sent: Thursday, April 04, 2013 5:41 PM
Subject: [guide-user] More Info for Globulars awry
There's something odd about the 'More Info' for globular clusters. For example, if you right click on Palomar 1 and go to 'More Info', it tells you that this is NGC 1261 at magnitude 8.28.
Palomar 3 gives NGC 2298, mag 9.20.
The tiny Eridanus globular gives NGC 1466, mag 10.66.
Palomar 12 is apparently Palomar 11, but Palomar 11 is NGC 6752.
Palomar 5 is Messier 3.
I could go on, there does appear to be some corruption of the info files for globular clusters. Anyone else seeing this? I'm running the 26 Feb 13 version.
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