Re: [guide-user] Unable to find Abell/Zwicky galaxy clusters

tom Mar 20, 2013

Thanks Bill....

On 3/20/2013 8:15 PM, Bill Gray wrote:
> Hi Tom,
> Sorry... I was a little slow to notice that you wrote :
>> I have everything set as you describe and I can find, for example, Abell
>> ...Guide does not find [Abell/Zwicky NNN] when I ntere it in
>> GoTo/Object Name.
> As you found, there's a separate option under Go To... Galaxy for
> that. However, you _should_ be able to enter 'A 1656' or 'Zw 124'
> and have it work, and I've revised Guide to do that; you'll see
> this the next time I post an update.
> -- Bill
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