Re: [guide-user] ccd frame camera list

P. Clay Sherrod Feb 20, 2013

Bingo on all counts....I do use Explorer and that zip file did work.
All models are now listed.

Much appreciated!

Dr. Clay
Arkansas Sky Observatories
MPC H45 - Petit Jean Mountain South
MPC H41 - Petit Jean Mountain
MPC H43 - Conway West

----- Original Message -----
From: "Bill Gray" <pluto@...>
To: <>
Sent: Wednesday, February 20, 2013 8:00 PM
Subject: Re: [guide-user] ccd frame camera list

> Hi Clay,
>> The file that you send saves ONLY as a webpage; attempts to save it as .txt
>> or
>> similar still results in it being saved as a webpage.
> (Groan) Not very intelligent behavior on the part of the Web browser!
> Probably Internet Explorer?
> You can probably work around this most simply by getting this instead:
> ...and extracting the file 'ccds.nam' into the Guide folder. You should
> very definitely get a warning that you're overwriting an existing copy. If
> you don't, then either the file is going into the wrong folder, or IE
> has come up with some new way of messing things up. I'm glad you mentioned
> the bit about no file being overwritten; it's a good diagnostic tool.
> -- Bill
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