Re: [guide-user] comet ISON

jimmccormick58 Feb 16, 2013

Hi Lawrence,
I too agree with your coordinates, but I wonder if the comet is bright
enough to show in a 60" image. GUIDE shows me that its magnitude should be
about 15.2 (although I don't remember where I got my mag data from).

Jim McCormick

In a message dated 2/16/2013 3:34:40 P.M. Mountain Standard Time,
bhudgens@... writes:

Hi Lawrence,

Position appears to be ok. 60sec exp might be a bit too short. I use
TV100 with ST-7 and 5 min is much better, though it is quite small and
can be hidden when a brighter star is closeby.
Ben Hudgens

On 2/16/2013 2:55 PM, Lawrence wrote:
> I downloaded the latest comet elements and plotted comet ISON (Guide-8).
> I have just taken several 60 second images going beyond mag 15 but there
> is no sign of ISON where shown in Guide, or anywhere is the 30 minute
> FOV. Using RA 07 01 10 and dec 31 44 52 from Guide at 1946GMT, can
> anyone confirm these predictions are correct?
> Lawrence Harris
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