barringtonri Feb 15, 2013
--- In, Bill Gray <pluto@...> wrote:
> Hi Pete, all,
> In theory (and, generally, in practice), once you have Guide 9 tuned
> to your preferences, you can safely delete Guide 8 and pass it on to somebody
> else. There is no particular benefit to having both of them running; i.e.,
> there are no ways in which Guide 8 is "better" than Guide 9, and quite
> a few areas where Guide 9 has advantages.
> Usually, though, whenever I install version N+1 of a program, I'm
> perfectly happy to keep version N around until I'm absolutely convinced that
> N+1 is all it's cracked up to be. I can understand a bit of caution in this
> regard.
> At some point, you may decide that you're tired of Guide 8.0 cluttering
> up your hard drive (it can consume 1.3 GBytes if you have both CDs installed).
> Aside from the loss of hard drive space, I can't think of any real problem
> caused by having both versions installed.
> -- Bill
> On 02/14/2013 09:44 AM, barringtonri wrote:
> > Noticed on a recent post that I'm not the only one who has neglected to delete
> > Guide 8 after making the upgrade. Is there any logical reason for not doing so?
> >
> > Pete Peterson
> > Wishing Star Observatory I15