kjcooper Dec 3, 2000
> >Bob,
> Kevin:
> I have had some of the same problems that you describe getting my CCD
> images to show up on a flat screen monitor. I have found that
> changing the
> values in the Environ.dat file are very sensitive and nothing much
> happens
> until I hit upon the correct value for my image, but eventually it
> does
> work. The other method that Bill has described is to use the arrow
> keys on
> the keyboard, not on the number pad. Once you get close the arrow
> keys
> make the final adjustment easy. If I remember correctly:
> the up arrow will brighten the image.
> the down arrow darkens the image.
> the left arrow decreases contrast.
> the right arrow increases contrast.
> There are some images on the guide disk that you can practice with to
> get
> things to work. One is of M-51 that is in the images file that works
> well.
> Let me know if you come up with some ideas that work for you.
> Bob Elliott
> 750 Fall Creek