At 01:20 2000-12-04 +1100, Kevin Cooper wrote:
>In past direct email, I asked about changing the contrast of RealSky
>images. You gave me several methods including changing the values for
>contrast in the file Environ.dat.
>I tried that and it seems to have no effect. I have forgotten the other
>methods and have deleted your email.
>Could it be that I am using a laptop computer with a TFT screen, that
>changing the contrast values do not work? There is no provision to vary
>the screen contrast, only the brightness on the computer.
I have had some of the same problems that you describe getting my CCD
images to show up on a flat screen monitor. I have found that changing the
values in the Environ.dat file are very sensitive and nothing much happens
until I hit upon the correct value for my image, but eventually it does
work. The other method that Bill has described is to use the arrow keys on
the keyboard, not on the number pad. Once you get close the arrow keys
make the final adjustment easy. If I remember correctly:
the up arrow will brighten the image.
the down arrow darkens the image.
the left arrow decreases contrast.
the right arrow increases contrast.
There are some images on the guide disk that you can practice with to get
things to work. One is of M-51 that is in the images file that works well.
Let me know if you come up with some ideas that work for you.
Bob Elliott
750 Fall Creek