> exception: the crash reported by Denis Boucher in Windows ME. In
> this bug, Guide crashes when he tries to save an ephemeris (oddly
> enough, when the '.' in 'filename.ext' is typed).
> If anyone is able to replicate this bug, please let me know. At
> present, I have no idea as to why it would happen. More bug reports
> might help me see a pattern.
This also happens to me in Windows 2000, but it's not related
to pressing '.'. It happens every time I press the first letter
after a drop-down appears listing possible completions for the
file name. If I type fast enough so that the list doesn't appear
there's no problem ;-)
Here's the call stack when the exception occurs:
NTDLL! 77f81b4d() <- "Access Violation" in NTDLL.RtlEnterCriticalSection
(trying to access a structure at address "0x00000020" because a prior
routine took a null pointer and added 0x20)
GUIDE7! 00470ffa() (call to another routine, which then calls NTDLL)
GUIDE7! 0046b4fc()
GUIDE7! 0040501e()
GUIDE7! 00480d02()
GUIDE7! 004809e0()
GUIDE7! 0047f8f7()
GUIDE7! 0047fbad()
USER32! 77e148dc() <- (no exported name)
USER32! 77e163fb() <- in USER32.DefWindowProcW
USER32! 77e1643d() <- in USER32.DefWindowProcW
NTDLL! 77f9f04b() <- in NTDLL.KiUserCallbackDispatcher
USER32! 77e14bf7()
USER32! 77e2f388()
USER32! 77e2f636()
USER32! 77e3948f()
COMDLG32! 76b35dee()
COMDLG32! 76b35e95()
COMDLG32! 76b1d749()
COMDLG32! 76b16f4d()
Arturo R Montesinos
Madrid, Spain