Re: [guide-user] Toolbars (was Rotating field)

James Ellis Nov 30, 2000

Hey Arturo..

If you go to the Toolbar selection in the "Ajustes" menu you will find
exactly what you are looking for.

Click toolbar and then you'll get a box with what can be displayed on the
toolbar. Click "Go to level x" and toggle on/off. You can also choose to
have large toolbar buttons which is handy at night.

Click ok and presto there they are on the toolbar!

You can also click on the "Level Selector" in the bottom left corner for a
dialogue box with all the available levels that can be clicked

If you want "zoom out one level" that should be a pretty easy change

This is a pretty cool thing to have as Guide can be tweaked for personal
use. The only better thing I have seen is in AutoCAD where one can set
their own toolbar button functions.



At 01:01 AM 1/12/00 +0100, you wrote:
>And one more request, if I still can before being kicked out
>of the mailing list ;-): in the "Toolbar" configuration dialog
>there's no "Zoom out one level" option, just "Zoom out four
>levels". This would be very helpful because you'd prefer not
>to zoom with the keyboard in the dark, specially when there's
>no numeric keypad and you have to find an Fn-* and Fn-/ key
>Arturo R Montesinos
>arturorm@..., aramirez@...
>Madrid, Spain