Rotate the field for Newtonians?

Arturo R Montesinos Nov 30, 2000

Last night was the first clear & moonless night in a long
time. I was locating 742 Edisonia (near Jupiter) with
the aid of Guide (I just love how easy it is to find ANYTHING
with Guide next to the scope! Makes me wonder how I ever
managed without it) when it suddenly struck me:


Let me explain:

I have a Newtonian Dob, and to make the view in the eyepiece
match Guide's display (with alt/az and inverted already set)
I have to tilt my head parallel to the scope's tube (like if
I were trying to read a name written along the tube).

Wouldn't it be nice to have an option in Guide's inversion
menu that would automatically rotate the final image either
clockwise or counter-clockwise (depending on which side you
have the eyepiece) by an angle equal to the altitude of the

It could be something as simple as letting you enter "h" or
"-h", instead of a number, in the Orientation field.

And one more request, if I still can before being kicked out
of the mailing list ;-): in the "Toolbar" configuration dialog
there's no "Zoom out one level" option, just "Zoom out four
levels". This would be very helpful because you'd prefer not
to zoom with the keyboard in the dark, specially when there's
no numeric keypad and you have to find an Fn-* and Fn-/ key

Arturo R Montesinos
arturorm@..., aramirez@...
Madrid, Spain