Re: [guide-user] Arturo´s suggestions

Olivier THIZY Nov 28, 2000

Hello all, Hello Bill,

Well, if I may, I would suggest to add in the "asteroid" "more" option a new
line with the "alpha angle" (ie: angle between Sun & Earth/observer viewed
from the asteroid).

Also, it would be useful to add a "copy to clipboard" fonction when you
right-click on an object; this would copy some data like RA, DEC, object
name, and magnitude. This will simplify the copy-paste between Guide & other
programs. Right-clicking may also add several options like "more info", "add
trail", "add USNO/REAL-SKY data/image", etc... This may be more user

Best regards,

----- Original Message -----
From: Thomas Roehr <throehr@...>
To: <>
Sent: mardi 28 novembre 2000 16:30
Subject: [guide-user] Arturo´s suggestions

Hi GUIDE´s - Hi Bill,

I would like to add another "nice to have" - in GUIDE 8.0 maybe:

I am missing an animation at a fixed position of the sun
(astronomical twilight, for example); it woul help to observe comets
as soon as it will become dark enough, whatever time of the day that
would be.


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