Annoyances with planets trails

Jean-Noël MOREAU Nov 26, 2000

Hi everybody,

First, many congratulations to Bill.
As a user of GUIDE CHARON and Find Orb, I can say this recognition is
not a surprise for me.

This morning, my GUIDE version (october 13) is reluctant to show planets
and asteroids trails as usual (in fact I don't use this function very
often but it had worked). Possibly, I have switched off something... I
don't know if it
is a local or more general problem.

Can somebody help me ?

After selection of a solar system object, in the menu animation,
"animation" and "make ephemeris" work perfectly, but if I try to do "add
a trail", the computer compute something but nothing is drawn on the

I hope the skies are clearer on the other sides of the oceans, here in
Toulouse (France), it's very rainy and cold.

Jean-Noel MOREAU