Re: [guide-user] Re: Trail length problem (fixed)

tom Aug 23, 2012


my line 62-64 looks ok and I can see the length of line variations on line
64 in my installation...

62 datacol1 00fcfc 00fcfc 00fcfc 00fcfc fc54fc ffffff ffffff 00fcfc 00fcfc
00fcfc fc54fc 00fcfc 0000fc aaaaaa 00fcfc
62 datacol2 00fcfc 00fcfc 00fcfc 00fcfc fc54fc ffffff ffffff 00fcfc 00fcfc
00fcfc fc54fc 00fcfc 00fcfc 00fcfc 00fcfc
63 real CD E
64 line var 0.000 0.100


----- Original Message -----
From: "Bill J Gray" <pluto@...>
To: <>
Sent: Thursday, August 23, 2012 3:03 PM
Subject: Re: [guide-user] Re: Trail length problem (fixed)

> tom wrote:
>> Sounds like Bill solved your problem for the next rev Stefano...may be
>> related to Windows 7 vs XP...
> No, nothing so esoteric (or that I can blame on Microsoft). This
> one is all my fault.
> If you look at the 'startup.mar' file generated by Guide 9, you'll
> see two line 62s with "datacol" (data coloring) information. There
> is no line 63. Line 64, which gives the length of the line of
> variation and of asteroid trails, _should_ make up the next line.
> Instead, its data are written at the end of the previous line 62.
> In other words, a line break is left out.
> Previously, there _was_ a line 63, and it also provided the
> missing line break. Line 63 isn't needed in Guide 9, but when I
> removed it, I also removed the line break. Re-inserting it put
> things back the way they should be.
> This was a very obvious, very easy bug to fix, once I knew about
> it (inserting a line break is not rocket surgery). The problem was
> just that I didn't know about it.
> -- Bill
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