Re: [guide-user] Guide permanently crashes now

Denis Jul 3, 2012

I have seen this problem. Open the comet.dat and delete the number if that is all that is in the file. Save it and now downloading the update for comet will work again. The other mpg(critical, neo and on do not work for some reason and cause the file to fail. The file gets download but guide does read it properly and fail. The same problem was in guide 8.

Denis on iPhone

On 2012-07-03, at 5:34 PM, Gerhard Dangl <gerhard@...> wrote:

> I am expanding my own message.
> Now after I have updated the mpcorb.dat file manually, Guide9 crashes
> also if I try to update the files for comet data or critical list
> objects with the Add MPC comets/asteroids menue.
> The problem is surely not the internet connection. Because I can open
> all this files on the MPC site
> very fast
> in a browser.
> I can see on the upcounting kb numbers that Guide9 is downloading the
> file for several seconds and after that the immediately following lokal
> update process seems to be the cause for the Guide9 crash.
> Regards
> Gerhard
> On 03.07.2012 12:17, Gerhard Dangl wrote:
>> Bill,
>> may be this can give additional help. Since some weeks I have installed
>> Guide9 in a new folder. If I use the feature Add MPC comets/asteroids I
>> get always the following results:
>> download comet data - ok
>> download critical list objects - ok
>> download distant objects - Guide9 crashes
>> download unusual objects - Guide9 crashes
>> Operating system is W7-64bit.
>> Regards
>> Gerhard
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