Denis Jul 3, 2012
On 2012-07-03, at 5:34 PM, Gerhard Dangl <gerhard@...> wrote:
> I am expanding my own message.
> Now after I have updated the mpcorb.dat file manually, Guide9 crashes
> also if I try to update the files for comet data or critical list
> objects with the Add MPC comets/asteroids menue.
> The problem is surely not the internet connection. Because I can open
> all this files on the MPC site
> very fast
> in a browser.
> I can see on the upcounting kb numbers that Guide9 is downloading the
> file for several seconds and after that the immediately following lokal
> update process seems to be the cause for the Guide9 crash.
> Regards
> Gerhard
> On 03.07.2012 12:17, Gerhard Dangl wrote:
>> Bill,
>> may be this can give additional help. Since some weeks I have installed
>> Guide9 in a new folder. If I use the feature Add MPC comets/asteroids I
>> get always the following results:
>> download comet data - ok
>> download critical list objects - ok
>> download distant objects - Guide9 crashes
>> download unusual objects - Guide9 crashes
>> Operating system is W7-64bit.
>> Regards
>> Gerhard
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