Re: [guide-user] MPCORB sorter program

Jan Manek Jun 19, 2012


the mentioned web page list at the bottom "Software Requirements". I would bet, you don't have Crystal Reports Runtime installed.

Regarding documentation - the web page has on it's top "Usage" and namely "Quick Start" links. Try these - the second link is the more important one.


At 09:43 PM 6/19/2012, tom wrote:
>I have tried this program and upon launching it I get a Microsoft .NET Framework error: The remote server returned an error (404) not found. If I choose to continue, and I choose FILE>UPDATE CHARON AND GUIDE8 FILES I get the same "remote server returned an error (404) not found". Do you happen to have any documentation (help file) for this program?
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: Jan Manek
> To:
> Sent: Tuesday, June 19, 2012 3:33 PM
> Subject: Re: [guide-user] MPCORB sorter program
> Hi,
> I think you are talking about this
> jan
> At 09:08 PM 6/19/2012, Ben Hudgens wrote:
> >To follow up on previous msg, you can do a search of the Guide Yahoo msg archieves and find a couple of long msg strings on this subject This was in April/May of 2007. Hope that helps. The author "Denis" posted a link to d/l the file but that page now give the 404 not found error. Perhaps some other Guide user has info on a more current link.
> >Ben
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