Re: [guide-user] 2012 LZ1 mag errros

Christian Ambros Jun 15, 2012

Hi Larry,

are you downloading and adding the file manually?
I do an online update with the provided internal link every time I go observing, till now never hand any problems finding any asteroid. I do have a 24" Cassegrain to observe with, so I'm up for the fainter one's.
It doesn't seem to do any difference wether I start Guide9 with wine under Linux or windows.


"A little learning never caused anyone's head to explode!"

"Ein wenig Lernen hat noch niemandens Kopf zum Explodieren gebracht!"

> Von: Woodchuk <woodl@...>
>Gesendet: 1:24 Samstag, 16.Juni 2012
>Betreff: Re: [guide-user] 2012 LZ1 mag errros

>Yes I saw that in that file but was unable to get guide to read it -- at least
>Guide still said 2012 LZ1 did not exist. I believe the file has to be converted so
>guide can read it ??? Suggestions??
>I have had Guide do a complete error shutdown twice trying to load that file.
>So I will resort to my old tried and true method and keep guide running smoothly --
>I hope:-)
>Larry Wood
>On 15/06/2012 1:32 AM, Christian Ambros wrote:
>> Hi Larry,
>> 2012 LZ1 does exist in MCORB. It's located in the near earth object file not in the main file, because it is a near earth crosser. I you update your database with link in guide9 you'll find it. That's what Ben did. But he has trouble getting it displayed with a magnitude limit of 13.9 which is what's estimated for this asteroid. It has nothing to do with finding it anyway.
>> Ben found the data but it isn't displayed at the given limit.

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