Re: [guide-user] Anybody hear about that asteroid?

Jan Manek Nov 6, 2000

At 23:15 6.11.2000 +1100, James Ellis wrote:
>I just heard a garbled account of an asteroid that may or may not hit the
>earth in 30 years..... anybody else hear this?
>I think it was no. 2000 SR44... something.

It's 2000 SG344. But latest info tells there will be no collision.
Additional old data improved the orbit.


Jan Manek
Stefanik Observatory Private :
Petrin 205 Werichova 950
118 46 Praha 1 152 00 Praha 5 - Barrandov |_|_|
Czech Republic Czech Republic / \
Internet : jmanek@... |-O-O-|