[guide-user] Linux & Guide

Paul Schlyter Oct 17 12:45 PM

> On behalf of John Greaves, UK
> Could anyone kindly inform me if they have been able to run Guide 7 under
> WINE in Linux? I can only make it crash! A quick note of the Linux used,
> command line invocation syntax used and any short general comments would
> suffice.

Did you run the 16-bit or 32-bit WIndows version of Linux when you tried
this? Does the other version run any better, or does it crash too?

Paul Schlyter, Swedish Amateur Astronomer's Society (SAAF)
Grev Turegatan 40, S-114 38 Stockholm, SWEDEN
e-mail: pausch at saaf dot se or paul.schlyter at ausys dot se
WWW: http://hotel04.ausys.se/pausch http://welcome.to/pausch