Hi folks,
Don, Sandy... the Sky Commander does indeed work in a much
different manner than the Tangent Instrument boxes. With a TI
box (such as the one Don is using), you do indeed get the red
symbol that ought to be moving around as the scope moves; the
fact that it does _not_ move is indeed bizarre.
As to why they are so different: I put together the code to
hook up to the Sky Commander quite a while ago, and the TI code
is much more recent. I essentially learned from my mistakes in
the SC code, and would consider Guide's interface to the TI to
be somewhat easier to use. (As Sandy mentioned, I may be revising
the interface to the Sky Commander to make it more "TI-like".)
Unfortunately, none of this tells us much about why the symbol
isn't moving on Don's setup. Don, I'd recommend that you e-mail
me your ALIGN.DAT file. That contains your initial scope setup and
alignment data; given that, I may have some clue as to why this is
happening. I hope.
Owen, about TOOLBAR.DAT and the missing toolbar buttons: I did
have this file as part of Guide7.zip, but that led to an ugly problem:
people lost their initial toolbar settings, and wound up going back
to the defaults.
However, I do have a workaround for this, one that is actually
somewhat simpler than what I originally proposed. Download this file:
and unZIP it in your Guide directory, and run Guide. Do this, and
it will add the necessary lines to TOOLBAR.DAT; you'll be able to go
into "Settings... Toolbar", look for those items, and turn them on.
-- Bill