Re: [guide-user] LX200 focus/chart rotation

Owen Brazell Oct 15 3:01 PM

Maybe I am doing something wrong but my toolbar.dat does not have these
functions in at this line. Do I need an updated toolbar.dat ?

There is not one in

At 11:02 08/09/2000 -0500, you wrote:
>Hi folks,
> Just a quick note about something you might want to try out:
> Brave citizens willing to be beta-testers may wish to download
>the 32-bit version of Guide now on the Web site, to try out toolbar
>buttons for rotating the chart at 5-degree intervals and for LX-200
>focus control. I don't have an LX-200, so my testing has been limited;
>once I get some "it works" comments, I'll make it an official update.
>In the meantime, here's what you'll have to do.
> You'll download the 32-bit update file, GUIDE7.ZIP, and unZIP it
>in your Guide directory. So far, everything is as usual.
> Now edit the file TOOLBAR.DAT. You'll see that the first line says
>"0192", meaning that there are 192 possible toolbar buttons. Modify
>this to be "0199", indicating that you want to make available seven
>additional buttons. These happen to include two buttons for rotating
>the screen, plus "focus in", "focus stop", "focus out", "focus slow",
>and "focus fast" buttons. (If you're interested, you can see these
>listed at lines 194 to 200 of TOOLBAR.DAT. But you don't actually have
>to know about this.)
> By default, the new buttons will be off. Go into Guide, click on
>"Settings... Toolbar", and scroll to the bottom of the list of toolbar
>buttons. You'll see the seven new buttons listed; turn on whichever
>of the seven you actually want to use, and click OK.
> Incidentally, with this many buttons, it's common for Guide to add
>an extra menu line, invading your screen space... exactly the thing I
>hoped to add when I put the toolbar on the same line as the menu. To
>help prevent this, I usually set the "max menu length" in the Toolbar
>dialog to three. This causes, for example, "Settings" to become "Set"
>and "Display" to become "Dis", freeing up some extra space on the menu
>bar. Not something you absolutely have to do, of course, but it can
>be slightly helpful. Submenus are left "as is"; there's no screen
>real estate issue there.
> Also: click on "focus in" once, and the focus will move in; click on
>it again, and the focus will stop. So I can't really say there is much
>need to turn the "focus stop" button on.
> Further note about toolbar buttons: after line 200 in TOOLBAR.DAT,
>you'll see a whole slew of possible buttons that are, at present, not
>in use. In some cases, toolbar bitmaps haven't been made yet. Some
>functions just don't work yet (for example, the toolbar buttons to
>toggle to Hebrew or Portuguese won't actually do anything until someone
>translates Guide's text to those languages). Still other buttons
>refer to functions that only exist in the DOS software. Bottom line:
>be careful, adjusting these lines may not work in the way you intended.
>-- Bill
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