barringtonri Jan 29, 2012
--- In, Arild Moland <astralscooter@...> wrote:
> Stupid question:
> Isn't it an option to have Guide use a different COM-port from The Sky? If
> TheSky insists on using COM1, the Guide ought to be able to get along fine
> on COM2 or COM 6 or something?
> In Guide8, when selecting LX-200 you could chose which COM-port to use. I
> must admit I haven't gotten around to install my copy of Guide9 yet, so I
> can't say it this has been removed.
> Arild :)
> On Sun, Jan 29, 2012 at 12:24 AM, Bill J Gray <pluto@...>wrote:
> > **
> >
> >
> > Hi Pete,
> >
> > That sounds basically like what I'd expect to happen, unfortunately.
> >
> > WARNING: I dunno much about how TheSky handles telescope control. I'm
> > a little surprised that ASCOM isn't an option. You might ask Software
> > Bisque about that (or maybe someone here who knows more about TheSky can
> > reply?); maybe the option is just "hidden" somewhere.
> >
> > However, it sounds as if when run TheSky directly controls the telescope,
> > it grabs the COM (serial) port. And as you say, this means it "does not
> > play
> > well with others". Inexplicably (to me), ASCOM suffers the same fault. I've
> > asked about this issue, but have never gotten an answer that I understood.
> > The impression I gather is that it's just not a priority for ASCOM folk.
> >
> > Were ASCOM's shortcoming in this area to be fixed, it would help a lot of
> > people... but you would not be among them, because you can't get ASCOM to
> > work
> > within TheSky anyway. The only fixes I can see would be:
> >
> > -- Persuade Software Bisque to support ASCOM (in which case you can set
> > up Guide to use ASCOM as well; ASCOM will continue to hog the COM port, but
> > that won't be a problem anymore, because both Guide and TheSky will be able
> > to access the scope through ASCOM.)
> >
> > -- Persuade Software Bisque to release the COM port when not in use. After
> > which, Guide and TheSky will play well with one another. You might run into
> > some issues if you had Guide's 'telescope indicator' function running --
> > the one
> > that shows a little symbol on the chart indicating the current telescope
> > location. I think there would be some chance that Guide would attempt to
> > access the COM port at just the same moment that TheSky did, and it's
> > conceivable that some sort of uncensored heck would break loose. But maybe
> > not.
> >
> > -- Bill
> >
> >
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]