Re: [guide-user] scope xtrol Oct 15 5:21 AM

In a message dated 10/15/00 12:53:38 AM Central Daylight Time,
dillingr@... writes:

> With this last posting of guide7, I have made progress getting the scope
> control to work, but still can't quite get Guide to follow the scope. (I
> using the Mountain Instruments version of the Tangent Instr. box)
> Everything seems to proceed according to spec until I try to "slew
> telescope," then the crosshairs appear at the current guidestar position,
> but won't move when the scope moves.

I'm not using your setup but this is how it normally works with my Sky
Commander (after you move the telescope, you have to hit "slew Guide" to have
the screen recenter on the telescope's position). When I asked Bill about a
real time "tracking" capability for my DSC some time ago, I seem to recall
him answering that this was to be a feature of the next edition?

Sandy Mc

SandyMc456@... (Sandra McNamara)
Stanford, IL N 40d 26m W 89d 13m