P. Clay Sherrod Jan 20, 2012
----- Original Message -----
From: "Bill J Gray" <pluto@...>
To: <guide-user@yahoogroups.com>
Sent: Friday, January 20, 2012 11:36 AM
Subject: Re: [guide-user] Update to Guide 9.0 (and 8.0) posted
> Hi Clay, Dave, all,
> P. Clay Sherrod wrote:
>> If that is so, why do we need to change the "guide8.exe" to guide9.exe"? The
>> upload
>> will likely have a "guide9.exe" file in the update, so in essence we should ONLY
>> need
>> to eliminate the old "guide8.exe" file.
> You could do that, yes: eliminate the 'guide8.exe' file (or even just leave
> it in place, unused) and run 'guide9'. If you did this, you'd need to update
> any desktop shortcut or Start menu shortcut to refer to 'guide9.exe' instead of
> 'guide8.exe'. I didn't want to get into explaining _that_ whole process... I
> figured it would be easier (for Guide 8 users) to stick to the use of 'guide8.exe'.
> One could also delete 'guide8.exe', then rename 'guide9.exe' to 'guide8.exe'.
> The real goal here is just to replace the bytes in your (older) 'guide8.exe'
> with those coming from the 'guide9.exe' in the ZIP file.
> I didn't realize this would be a source of grief. I've therefore come up with
> yet another solution. Instead of downloading the 'guide9.zip' file given on the
> update page, download this:
> http://home.gwi.net/~pluto/guide9_8.zip
> ("Guide 9 update for Guide 8 users"). It contains exactly the same files as the
> 'guide9.zip' file, except that it spares you the need to do any deleting or
> copying or renaming. It contains a 'guide8.exe'; you just unZIP 'guide9_8.zip'
> in your Guide folder and run guide8.exe, same as ever, no new 'guide9.exe'
> to deal with.
> Hope this helps. As always, please let me know of any issues you find.
> Arild wrote:
>>> The way I read Bill, is that Guide8 users from now on will use the Guide9
>>> software. Ie. that the old Guide8.exe shall be deleted, and Guide9.exe used
>>> instead. This is probably a break from what was done during the transition
>>> from Guide 7 to 8?
> True. Back then, though, one could have done the same thing. (And in
> fact, some people did just that: used the Guide 8 update with the Guide 7
> CD. For a while, I was careful about maintaining that backward compatibility.
> I've not knowingly done anything to break it; as far as I know, a Guide 7
> user could install the last Guide 7 update, then the last Guide 8 update,
> then this recently-posted Guide 9 update, and be running "Guide 9 software"
> with a Guide 7 CD. I'd back everything up first, and of course, you'd
> have some very elderly datasets!)
>>> Perhaps though, Bill should provide a copy of the Guide9.exe, named
>>> Guide8.exe, to avoid confusion? (Or better, provide a zip-file identical to
>>> the Guide9 update, wherein the Guide9.exe is renamed Guide8.exe.)
> Yup. Great minds think alike.
> -- Bill
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