G'day Jean
When I was trying to connect the NexStar5 to Guide, I had a few problems.
No1 is to check all the cable connections - this was my problem - the gold
'teeth' were not connecting with the copper in the wire therefore no signal.
No2 is to make sure that both the port on the PC and on AAM are working.
You can do this in HyperTerminal by sending some commands to the AAM. (This
also isolates Guide from the equation)
I checked my com ports out in Hyperterminal with the modem connected to
COM2 and mouse to com1. I sent a command to the modem which returned a text
string whilst the mouse returned a string whenever I moved it. This makes
sure that your COM ports are All OK.
You can be pretty sure that the AAM's port is faulty (or DSC cable) if
your COM ports test ok but you still don't get a connection when you plug
in the AAM.
No3 Check that your encoders are connected properly by moving the scope and
looking at the readout on the AAM.
No 4 Is to look at Guide and make sure that the right com port is selected
in the menu along with JMI/MG III selected as a scope type and the encoder
resolutions match in Guide with what you have entered into the AAM and the
actual encoders. Also check that the scope type in the AAM is set to
German Eq.
Making sure you haven't got a faulty AAM port is tricky. The best way is to
go the store you bought it from and try to test the setup with another module.
I know there are other people on this list who are using Guide with an AAM
- maybe they could help out. Bill has also posted a page with AAM info on
it -
Hope this helps