Re: [guide-user] Telescope control

Don Dillinger Oct 12 9:22 PM

Jean wrote:
> My problem (Guide 7 ) :
> Equipment : Losmandy G11 mount ( for Celestron 11 ) and Advanced
> Encoders seem to work OK after adjustment of the 2 ratios ( yet I never
> succeeded a fairly good pointing )
> I can't achieve any telescope control, whatever scope resolutions are
> introduced.
> Manual instructions, page 45, are fullfilled but Guide answers : '63 (?)'
> something else but never '82 (R) ' and does not add a "Scope Pad" option
> the menu.

I have had much the same response using guide7 and my SkyPilot (Mountain
Instruments version of the Tangent Instruments unit) DSC, although it works
fine with ECU. Sometimes the scope pad will come up if I proceed despite the
"63 (?)" reply, but it is obviously not reading correctly from the dsc.

I have been trolling for help on this one for quite a while with no luck...

Hoping for suggestions too,

Don Dillinger
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