Re: [guide-user] Guide file locations

John Farrell Dec 2, 2011

I do not have 'usno_b1.tdf' in my folder and  'USNO B1.0 from hard drive' is not listed in the user-added data sets.    I installed Guide 9 from the Guide 9 DVD that I received recently.  Is it possible that the file was inadvertently left out of the DVD?
I thought I had the entire B1 catalog because it was copied directly from a server at NOFS but I just looked and the first 24 zones are missing.  I have used this catalog for several years with several programs for astrometry and a planetarium program with no problems.  The missing zones are around the south pole so I never noticed that they weren't there.  I suspect I got a catalog that was used internally at NOFS and the zones were removed to conserve drive space.  I do have another copy of B1 that I got last summer and that has the missing zones so I can copy them to my Windows machine if you think it might be necessary.  
Concerning MPCORB, I have this in another folder along with B1 and other catalogs and I tried to use it by setting MPCORB_PATH to that location.  This put two entries in the guide.dat folder.  It's hard to tell which file Guide was using so I temporarily renamed the file in the guide9 folder.  I no longer had the option to use MPCORB so I assumed that Guide wasn't seeing the file in the other folder.  I have since changed the name back and also updated my MPCORB and now I'm pretty sure that it is still using the copy in the guide9 folder from looking at the epoch of the elements.  My goal in all this was to avoid having to maintain two updated copies of MPCORB on my drive.

From: Bill J Gray <pluto@...>
Sent: Thursday, December 1, 2011 7:25 PM
Subject: Re: [guide-user] Guide file locations


Hi John,

Hmmm... a few things to check:

Do you have a file 'usno_b1.tdf' in your Guide folder? (It's supplied with the Guide
update file. If it's not there, something went wrong with unZIPping

In "Toggle User-Added Datasets", it should appear under "USNO B1.0 from hard drive".
(Just checked, and this should show up even if the B1_PATH variable isn't set.)

The c:\b1 folder ought to contain 180 numbered sub-folders. There should be a
file c:\b1\179\ that is 591840 bytes long. The entire dataset should be
about 80 GBytes. I mention this because I gather there are some B1.0 subsets and
re-formatted B1.0s floating around out there. A subset will probably work (and you'll
see the file; it'll just be smaller). If the dataset is re-formatted,
Guide won't understand or display it.

-- Bill

John Farrell wrote:
> I can't get these to work. I temporarily put a copy of B1 in the folder c:\b1 to simplify typing. Executing ALT-J, BI_PATH=c:\b1 puts the following two lines in my guide.dat file:
> DLG_3025=B1_PATH=c:\b1
> B1_PATH=c:\b1
> but nothing appears in the Toggle User-Added Datasets list.
> For MPCORB, the Use MPCORB is greyed out unless there is a copy of MPCORB in the guide9 folder.
> John

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