Re: [guide-user] 2 Million Placenames + Impact Structures

Laren Dart Dec 2, 2011

Thank you, Arild! I finally got it.

At 12:21 AM 12/2/2011, you wrote:
> > It would really be better to upload images and files in the
> > users-group area, but I can only reply and post messages. Don't know
> > what Yahoo did with my user name and password, it disappeared a while
> > back. I spent 3 hours trying to get past their stock answers, but
> > when I tried to enter the info, I was told that it was already in use
> > and tried to get me to sign up to the group as a new user. Finally,
> > I just gave up. c'est la Yahoo!
>I had the same experience with another Yahoo-group I'm on. Extremely
>annoying, and the Yahoo interface leaves a lot to be desired in this
>area. It offered me to log on using my Google ID, but then proceeded
>to ask me to connect this login with my Yahoo profile. I was to chose
>from a list of profiles, but it was empty...
>Eventually I emailed the list admin and he pointed me to this page:
>Through the membership wizard I was able to figure things out. Amongst
>others, which username I needed to use to log on "properly".
>Arild :)

Laren Dart

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