Re: Guide 9 comet download, ASCOM trouble?

Bill J Gray Nov 29, 2011

hidenorinohara@... wrote:

> I got new comet and asteroid data from MPC on Asteroid/comet options into
> extras menu, then guide 9 displayed "Guide 8 MFC application ..." error
> on my LCD after I clicked starting download after a few seconds.

Hmmm... does the same thing happen when getting artificial satellite
data? To test this, try Settings... TLE=, and then select an artificial
satellite file.

I ask because both involve downloading files; but the comet function
also involves an extra step of determining which elements are for new
objects. If the artificial satellite downloading fails, then we can
assume the problem involves Guide's file-downloading routine. If artsats
succeed, then the issue lies specifically with comets.

I would really expect comets to work Just Fine in Guide 9.0. The new
DVD meant that I was able to replace all comet files with new versions.

> And also I connected with my note PC and Vixen starbook on SX mount
> by ASCOM platform(latest version) with sphinx driver and guide9.
> I opened scope control on settings menu, and selected ASCOM scope
> on second menu. I entered integer number "1" on required message
> "1 to 99999".

(Groan) Thank you for mentioning this. I had no idea what you meant
by this, but just found out that it's possible for Guide 9.0 to nag
you to enter a COM number from 1 to 99999, even though you are using
ASCOM (or other system that doesn't require a COM port number). I'll
fix this as part of the update.

> I down load ascom_link software on next step. Then I selected scope
> control on menu again, guide shew ASCOM telescope sub-screen. I
> checked connection, guide9 shew "GUIDE8 MFC Application ...stop"

Errrmmm... it showed an 8 instead of a 9?

So far, I've been unable to replicate this crash. Thanks for the
bug report. I'll see what I can figure out here.

-- Bill

> This error was as same as guide8.
> But I can go to my target object by guide9 in case of un-opening ASCOM telescope sub-screen.
> Hidenori Nohara