Re: [guide-user] external catalogs, finding objects

Arne Lindengard Oct 3 12:01 PM

At 07:54 2000-10-03 -0300, you wrote:
>Hi !
>I don´t know if this feature is only of my interest but I have difficulties
>in finding objects in external catalogs. An example is quasar 3C273. What
>do you think about showing a list of objects of a specific external catalog
>when you click on find object ? It would be easier to understand catalog´s
>notation. Every time I want to go to a external catalog´s object I must
>open the original files in wordpad and find the name. For example 3C273 is
>3C273.0. This thing occurs in every catalog I have.
>Anyone has this kind of problem ?
>Paulo Cacella

I agree. I have also to do this with external catalogues sometimes, viewing
the catalogue in some editor. And sometimes the numbering scheme of the
catalogue is not logical so I have to look up that specific row describing
the specific object.
So I would wish to view a list of objects of a specific external catalog,
where I click on a specific object.

Arne Lindengard

| Arne Lindengard |
| Adress: Tullgatan 10, S-223 54 Lund, Sweden |
| e-mail: arne.lindengard@... |
| Tel: (Int. +46) 046 - 140527 |