Re: 2005YU55 path error

jarisuomela Nov 8, 2011

Hi all,

It is perhaps slightly over-doing things in this case, but you could use
JPL osculating elements to show 2005 YU55 in Guide. The method is not,
as far as I know, documented anyhere. Anyway, the procedure is quite
straightforward. Look at
<> for files and do the following:

1) put file '2005yu55.ele' in your Guide/planets folder. It's a text
file containing the osculating elements between 7 and 13 November at 2
hour steps and after that till 19 November at 6 hour steps. By which
time its beyond most small telescopes anyway...

2) Edit your Guide/probes.dat file by adding this line:

2005YU55 @planets\2005yu55.ele
21.9 0.15 P Range: 2011 11 07* 2011 11 19*

I hope the formatting isn't getting mangeled, but in that case just copy
it from file add_this_line_to_probes_dat.txt.

Remember also to increment the number on the first line in to reflect
the amount of 'probes' in your file.

3) You need to turn satellites on in Guide. If you like you can use
no_satellites.tle to suppress all satellites

Happy hunting! I'm in far northern Europe so there's no chance of me
seeing it tonight. But hopefully next night will be clear.

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