Re: [guide-user] 2005YU55 path error

Rolf Stadelmaier Nov 8, 2011

Hi Bill,

it dos'nt work for me!

When I follow your advice then Guide points me to
RA 23h59m55.5s Dec -00 00' 29"
almost already the Vernal Equinox (garbage?)
and there is no hint of 2005 YU55.

I did this because I was curious to see how fast the object goes
althoug there is no chance to see it while creeping on the horizon
at my location (11:59:40 E, 48:25:24 N).

Wish all the others good luck,
Rolf Stadelmaier

----- Original Message -----
From: Bill J Gray
Sent: Tuesday, November 08, 2011 2:45 AM
Subject: Re: [guide-user] 2005YU55 path error

Hello all,

There's a very definite problem here, and John Farrell has
diagnosed it correctly: the elements must be for an epoch close
to that of the actual event, and MPC's default epoch will be for
a few months away from the flyby. (*)

To get around that, save this e-mail as a text file, and then
use Extras... Asteroid/Comets Options, and then on Add MPC
Comets/Asteroids. At the bottom, you'll see an "Add MPC Comets/Asteroids"
option. Click on this, and then select the text file you've saved.

To confirm that you got it, and that Guide isn't still using some
other elements for 2005 YU55, right-click on the asteroid and then
on "More Info". The epoch should be 2011 Nov 9. (Note that the object
is currently so close to the sun as to be very, very faint. You
may have to just turn asteroids On to get it to show up. Or set Guide's
date/time ahead to 2011 Nov 9, when it'll be bright.)

This should result in zero error for 2011 Nov 9, increasing to
a few arcminutes by the next day... by which point I'll post fresh

(*) This is _not_ MPC's fault, though. The "correct" solution
would be for Guide to numerically integrate the motion of the asteroid.
If it did so, it would be accurate no matter what epoch MPC chose...
though things might get pretty slow at times.

-- Bill

Orbital elements:
2005 YU55
Perihelion 2011 Sep 10.258959 TT = 6:12:54 (JD 2455814.758959)
Epoch 2011 Nov 9.0 TT = JDT 2455874.5 Earth MOID: 0.0010 Ve: 0.0003
M 47.53070 (2000.0) Ma: 0.0367
n 0.79561227 Peri. 270.87649 0.62715112 0.77888427
a 1.15345785 Node 37.96499 -0.71164640 0.57537001
e 0.4325850 Incl. 0.42437 -0.31660837 0.24957692
P 1.24/452.47d H 22.1 G 0.15
From 766 observations 2005 Dec. 24-2010 Apr. 20; mean residual 0".437.

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