Woodchuk Nov 7, 2011
On 06/11/2011 6:51 PM, Ben Hudgens wrote:
> Wondering if anyone else might be having problems with an accurate plotted path for 2005YU55 in Guide. My plotted path compared to the one in S&T mag is about 17 minutes late. The path matches in direction and also matches the lat. offset when adjusted for my location in central Texas. It is just the time that is showing late.
> I've rechecked my settings, lat/long, etc. and am using the Aug 16 version update, and am using the MPCORB file from 11-4. I also ran the ephemeris on the Minor Planet website using 446 observer code with has longitude very close to mine. It also confirmed my Guide plot is about 17 min late.
> Tks, Ben
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]