The short answer yo your question is that you have to download that data to a folder that you tell Guide to look in.
What I have been using for some time is a free application from that does that automatically, it's called MPEC Sort. The data I mentioned covers nearly everything anyone on earth would or could use and that's where MPEC Sort comes in. With ASO's offering you can input your parameters and filter out what your equipment can not see.
As far as how recent that data is, I download fresh data every time I plan to observe......far safer that way.
Clear, Dark Skies!
--- In, "stripe1966" <s.kranz1@...> wrote:
> How do you all get updated comet element? I tried the link found in the Extras > Asteroid/Comet options > Add MPC Comets/Asteroids, but the file looks exactly the same as it did 2 months ago.
> And how do you know how recent the file is? Is there a way, in the elements, to see the date of the orbital calculation (ie. an epoch date)?
> Thanks!
> -Scott