Re: [guide-user] Some odd behavior of Guide8

JoeMize Nov 3, 2011

Same here Rolf. Going to NGC7840 I end up at 00 00 00 +26 40 00. TheSky
gives 00 26 08 -03 43 00. When moving my, original install without updates,
Guide8 to TheSky's location no NGC is plotted in a 1 or 2deg display, in
3degs NGC113 & 145, IC6-8-12 and 1557 are shown, NGC7840 is unpiloted.

The problem is more than likely a Catalog issue than a Guide8 problem.
Interesting catch, a fun few minutes...joe :)

"May You Go Among The Imperishable Stars"
Joe Mize
Chiefland Astronomy Village (CAV), Fla
StarFields Observatory, (SFO).

----- Original Message -----
From: "Rolf Stadelmaier" <rostm@...>
To: <>
Sent: Thursday, November 03, 2011 5:22 AM
Subject: [guide-user] Some odd behavior of Guide8

> By chance I came across a some what odd behavior of Guide8.
> When I thought I should have a glance on NGC 7840
> (RA 00:07:09 / DEC +08:23:01, the last object listed in the
> New General Catalogue) Guide8 pointed me to the exact
> zero point of the sky (RA 00:00:00, DEC 00:00:00)
> some degrees apart from the right position.
> The Legend reported Millennium page 1279 going W
> and Millennium page 1818 going E from this point.
> When I directed Guide8 via Go-to-Coordinates to the right position
> then the Legend reported Millennium page 247 going W
> and Millennium page 270 going E from Vernal Equinox.
> The real odd thing is, the last (highest) page of the Millennium Star
> Atlas
> is 1548 (perhaps a hard nut to crack for Bill?).
> CS,
> Rolf Stadelmaier
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