Re: [guide-user] missing planet surface graphics

Bill J Gray Oct 14 5:35 PM

Hi Mikael,

Could be you've hit some hotkeys... I would first right-click on a planet,
then on Display... Options. You'll see 'contrast' and 'brightness' sliders.
Put them somewhere near the middle. Planets should reappear.

There are also hotkeys that you may prefer (and may have hit by accident) :

Alt-Left Decrease contrast
Alt-Up Increase brightness
Alt-Right Increase contrast
Alt-Down Decrease brightness

-- Bill

Mikael wrote:
> Hi group
> I am using Guide v.8. Suddenly, the program no longer displays planet surface graphic bitmaps - just black discs. Have I hit some obscure key combination or what is wrong?
> thanks for any help! -Mikael Svalgaard