Re: [guide-user] Guide 9.0 on DVD

H-G Lindberg Aug 24, 2011

Guide 8 works ok in Linux, i drive it in Linux Ubuntu and wine with no

On 2011-08-24 18:31, Bill J Gray wrote:
> Hi Arturo,
> Guide 8, at least with the current updates, really _should_ work
> in Linux (or Mac) when using Wine. There was one issue that cropped
> up recently, involving downloads of artificial satellite elements;
> the unZIP utility failed on Wine. I got a more "modern" unzip.exe
> and things worked Just Fine.
> Which windows are failing to show up? I'm concerned in part
> because if there are issues with current Guide 8.0 in Wine, they
> may apply to Guide 9.0 as well.
> I do a fair bit of testing of Guides, both 8.0 and 9.0, in
> Wine. I've found that doing so can be a good bug detection method.
> Usually, the bugs turn out to be things that could have appeared
> in Windows as well; it's just that I was "lucky" in the Windows
> testing. It's not perfect, but it's a useful tool.
> (Note to Mac users: I'm aware that Macs have other ways of
> running Windows software, such as Parallels and BootCamp. However,
> Wine lets you run Windows code essentially as if it were native code
> at native speed. The only downside to it is that not all Windows
> programs work with it... I've found it to be quite good, but that may
> reflect luck in my choices of which Windows programs to run in it.)
> -- Bill
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