[guide-user] Digital versions of displays?

Richard Mallett Sep 14, 2000

>> Greetings from a new member of this egroup, who is
enthusiastically satisfied with Guide 7.0.
Is it possible to save displays in digital format, such as .jpg? I
can't find anything about this in the user's maual. I would like to import
a display into an image-processing program, add text notations, save it
again, and print it with the notations.
I have seen a reference to putting displays on the Web. How is
this done? <<

You cal use Alt-PrtScr to copy the current screen (in any program) to
the clipboard, and then paste it into any graphics program (most people
prefer Paintshop Pro) - you can then modify it as required, and print it or
save it as (preferably) a JPEG file.

Web pages consist of text (in HTML) and links to images; so you can just
link to a JPEG (or GIF) image, which must also be on the same Web server as
the web page itself (or you can link, with permission, to an image on
somebody else's Web page)


E-mail from: Richard Mallett, 14-Sep-2000