BMP to GIF (was: Digital versions of displays?)

Bernd Brinkmann Sep 14, 2000

Hello Guide users,

> Paint Shop Pro has a nifty function to take a snapshot of the screen by
> pressing a hotkey/mouse button. This saves as .bmp which can then be
> converted to a smaller jpg,gif or png for the web.
> You can crop and scale this image in PSP or Photoshop/Fireworks etc to get rid
> of the Windoze border menus etc.
> Does the make BMP function still work, Bill, there was some talk of that many
> moons ago?? I can't remember.

Yes, it still works fine. IMHO the best way to produce web images from Guide
works as follows:

Make up your mind about the final image size (in pixels) you want to display.
Scale the Guide window to approximately that size. Save BMP file. Open
BMP file in an image processing programm that allows to clip the image if
needed and most important is able to change the type of image to indexed
colors. Chose exact match. In Guide that should result in about 10 colors. Then
save in GIF format. The result is a small (in kB) lossless compressed image.
See an example at my homepage:

What you have to avoid is scaling the image. Then the text will hardly be
readable due to interpolation.

Kind regards

Bernd Brinkmann
Herne, Germany