IAU meteor shower working list TDF for Guide 8 update

wisetdf@Safe-mail.net Jul 16, 2011

An earlier TDF presented for plotting the meteor radiants from the IAU list in Guide 8 (that's the planetaria app. of personal preference for me, others do of course exist) given on guide-user group is updated below to include the recent new meteor showers announced by the iau via cbat.

These can be appended / added into the list at any time any new ones come along by anyone, incidentally, you only really need the IAU number, mnemonic code, RA, Dec in degrees, solar longitude and full name. Vgeo if liked, and the "w" or "e" column is the flag for "working list" or "established" shower, and that's about it. But they _must_ be inserted in RA sorted order. The dataset is, and needs to be, RA sorted.

You get green symbols labelled with the Solar Longitude and shower three letter code, although these can be switched off. Right mouse click gives a summary of some details, clicking more info a tad more info, clicking display allows adjusting the settings for field width when first visible or colour or turning the radiant display on and off. There's a linkout to IAU MDC info for each shower too.

Cut and paste the following into a text editor and save as iaumetshwr.tdf in the Guide directory. The webpage url (direct linkout via internet browser to the IAU summary page for each shower) will likely word wrap. It's all one line and starts ~r one space then 5 two spaces then 3 one space then ^ etc and ends ^\n.



-----------cut and paste from following line---------
file iaumetshwr.tdf
title IAU Meteor Shower List
RA H 57 5
units0 -2 # RA 'hours' are really decimal degrees
de d 63 5
text 5 3
~b 5 3 IAU Code %s
~r 1 3 IAU No. %s
~b 9 31 \n\n%s\n\n
~b 40 0 e Established Shower\n\n
~b 40 0 w Working List Shower\n\n
~r 57 5 RA %s Dec %[63,5] deg
~b 51 5 \n\nSolar longitude %s deg\n\n
~b 69 2 Vgeo %s km/s\n\n
~b 44 <>" " In %[5,3] Group\n\n
~r 5 3 ^IAU MDC//xhttp://www.astro.amu.edu.pl/~jopek/MDC2007/Roje/pojedynczy_obiekt.php?kodstrumienia=%[1,3]&colecimy=0^\n

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shown 1
label spaces
goto spaces
goto case

file iaumetshwr.tdf
title IAU Meteor Shower List
RA H 57 5
units0 -2 # RA 'hours' are really decimal degrees
de d 63 5
text 51 5

align 32
epoch 2000
sort 1
type sC00ff00;
shown 1
label spaces
goto spaces
goto case

290 ALL alpha Leonid Complex w 290 0 349.0 12
291 GVR gamma Virginid Complex w 291 0 23.0 12
160 OSC omega Scorpiid Complex w 160 0 71.9 20
29 DLE delta Leonid Complex w 29 0 334.7 20
294 DMA Dayt. May Arietid Complex w 294 0 55.0 22
50 VIR March Virginid Complex w 50 0 354.0 23
163 SAG Scorpiid-Sagittariid Complex w 163 0 97.0 23
14 XOR chi Orionid Complex e 14 0 259.0 25
95 DCA delta Cancrid Complex w 95 0 296.3 26
247 TAU Taurid Complex e 247 0 224.0 28
292 OPH May Ophiuchid Complex w 292 0 52.0 28
296 SIS sigma Sagittariid Complex w 296 0 90.0 28
30 PSC Piscid Complex w 30 0 179.0 28
299 OAR October Arietid Complex e 299 0 214.0 30
293 DCE Dayt. omega Cetid Complex w 293 0 46.7 34
298 IAQ iota Aquariid Complex w 298 0 147.7 34
295 JAQ June Aquilid Complex w 295 0 83.0 36
297 DAQ delta Aquariid Complex w 297 0 125.6 41
217 OPC omega Piscids w 0 0 174.0 0.5 -08.8 21
360 PSP psi Pegasids w 0 0 63.0 1.8 28.1 31
152 NOC North. Dayt. omega Cetids e 0 0 46.7 2.3 17.8 33
234 EPC October epsilon Piscids w 0 0 195.0 3.4 8.1 22
374 ISC iota Sculptorids w 0 0 128.0 5.2 -28.1 37
379 ACT August Cetids w 0 0 153.0 7.0 -05.6 20
269 OCS omega Cassiopeiids w 0 0 317.5 7.4 66.4 9
415 AUP August Piscids w 0 0 132.0 7.5 18.3 66
144 APS Dayt. April Piscids e 0 0 30.3 7.6 3.3 29
215 NPI North. delta Piscids w 0 0 184.0 9.2 7.7 31
410 DPI delta Piscids w 0 0 92.0 10.9 5.5 70
419 DAC Dayt. April Cetids w 0 0 29.7 13.6 -02.7 29
185 DBA Dayt. beta Andromedids w 0 0 100.5 15.0 37.5 26
254 PHO Phoenicids e 0 0 253.0 15.6 -44.7 12
362 JMC June mu Cassiopeiids w 0 0 74.0 17.5 53.9 44
141 DCP Dayt. chi Piscids w 0 0 19.2 19.6 21.0 18
263 NAN nu Andromedids w 0 0 286.3 20.0 40.0 8
196 NPH nu Phoenicids w 0 0 129.7 20.0 -43.0 44
372 PPS phi Piscids w 0 0 106.0 20.1 24.1 63
153 OCE South. Dayt. omega Cetids e 0 0 46.7 22.5 -03.6 37
216 SPI South. delta Piscids w 0 0 174.0 23.6 5.1 27
158 CET pi Cetids w 0 0 95.0 24.1 -11.7 67
18 AND Andromedids e 0 0 232.0 24.2 32.5 17
219 SAR Sept. mu Arietids w 0 0 179.0 28.5 18.6 36
414 ATR alpha Triangulids w 0 0 120.0 28.9 28.1 71
176 PHE July Phoenicids w 0 0 110.3 31.6 -47.7 47
411 CAN c Andromedids w 0 0 110.0 32.4 48.4 59
207 SCS Sept. beta Cassiopeiids w 0 0 173.0 33.0 68.9 69
28 SOA South. October delta Arietids w 0 0 198.5 33.1 10.6 26
156 SMA South. Dayt. May Arietids e 0 0 55.0 33.7 9.2 29
25 NOA North. October delta Arietids w 0 0 201.7 34.7 20.2 36
354 DDT Dayt. delta Triangulids w 0 0 53.0 35.3 33.7 28
351 DTR Daytime Triangulids w 0 0 46.0 35.9 34.1 26
368 JAD July Andromedids w 0 0 101.0 36.1 49.1 35
198 BHY beta Hydrusids e 0 0 143.8 36.3 -74.5 23
355 XIC Daytime Xi Cetids w 0 0 54.0 36.4 8.6 17
416 SIC September iota Cassiopeiids w 0 0 169.0 36.7 65.0 50
230 ICS October iota Cassiopeiids w 0 0 209.0 36.7 66.0 66
264 XCE xi Cetids w 0 0 286.3 37.0 8.0 8
155 NMA Northern Dayt. May Arietids w 0 0 55.0 37.2 18.1 25
192 TRI August Triangulids w 0 0 139.8 37.5 30.7 57
194 UCE upsilon Cetids w 0 0 146.0 38.6 -02.8 61
249 NAR Nov. nu Arietids w 0 0 241.0 39.0 23.2 12
353 SCT sigma Cetids w 0 0 49.0 39.0 -15.7 36
171 ARI Dayt. Arietids e 0 0 76.7 40.2 23.8 36
373 TPR theta Perseids w 0 0 106.0 41.1 47.6 53
157 ICA iota Cassiopeiids w 0 0 62.0 43.1 69.2 19
260 GTI gamma Triangulids w 0 0 272.0 43.3 41.6 11
237 SSA sigma Arietids w 0 0 202.0 44.7 14.2 41
154 DEA Dayt. epsilon Arietids w 0 0 55.0 44.7 21.2 21
191 ERI eta Eridanids e 0 0 137.5 45.0 -12.9 64
407 OEE October eta Eridanids w 0 0 201.0 45.8 -9.8 25
7 PER Perseids e 0 0 140.2 48.3 58.0 59
2 STA South. Taurids e 247 1 224.0 49.4 13.0 28
108 BTU beta Tucanids w 0 0 340.4 49.6 -77.8 36
193 ZAR zeta Arietids w 0 0 146.0 49.7 14.2 70
208 SPE Sept. epsilon Perseids e 0 0 170.0 50.2 39.4 65
86 OGC October gamma C etids w 0 0 206.4 50.4 -06.9 3
363 ZER zeta Eridanids w 0 0 93.0 50.8 -04.1 51
364 KCT kappa Cetids w 0 0 94.0 51.0 4.6 29
287 NER Nov. epsilon Eridanids w 0 0 240.8 52.0 -07.0 11
190 BPE beta Perseids w 0 0 135.4 52.8 40.2 66
289 DNA North. Dec. delta Arietids w 0 0 256.5 53.0 29.0 15
417 ETT eta Taurids w 0 0 211.0 55.5 23.7 47
209 EER epsilon Eridanids w 0 0 170.0 56.6 -13.8 59
325 DLT Dayt. lambda Taurids e 0 0 85.5 56.7 11.5 36
286 FTA omega Taurids w 0 0 240.2 58.0 16.8 22
130 DME delta Mensids w 0 0 356.7 58.0 -80.0 33
324 EPR epsilon Perseids e 0 0 95.5 58.2 37.9 45
17 NTA North. Taurids e 247 2 224.0 58.6 21.6 28
365 BCM beta Camelopardalids w 0 0 100.0 59.7 59.7 43
285 GTA gamma Taurids w 0 0 232.8 60.0 17.5 14
338 OER Omicron Eridanids w 0 0 234.7 60.7 -01.5 27
201 GDO gamma Doradids w 0 0 155.7 61.2 -50.2 40
378 GER gamma Eridanids w 0 0 138.0 61.9 -17.4 57
388 CTA chi Taurids w 0 0 220.0 63.2 24.7 42
172 ZPE Dayt. zeta Perseids e 0 0 78.6 64.5 27.5 25
288 DSA South. Dec. delta Arietids w 0 0 256.5 66.6 15.6 15
386 OBC October beta Camelopardalids w 0 0 214.0 66.8 56.2 48
375 OME August omicron Eridanids w 0 0 134.0 66.9 -8.3 45
337 NUE Nu Eridanids w 0 0 167.9 68.7 1.1 66
92 UER upsilon Eridanids w 0 0 295.6 69.3 -29.0 10
238 DOR alpha Doradids w 0 0 208.0 69.3 -55.9 20
369 JTR July Taurids w 0 0 104.0 70.0 1.5 40
91 JZA January zeta Aurigids w 0 0 292.0 70.3 60.1 12
389 OME omega Eridanids w 0 0 234.0 73.3 -5.3 32
248 IAR Nov. iota Aurigids w 0 0 233.6 76.3 33.3 34
257 ORS South. chi Orionids w 0 0 260.0 78.7 15.7 22
384 OLP October Leporids w 0 0 203.0 81.6 -13.8 26
98 ECO epsilon Columbids w 0 0 307.1 82.4 -34.7 17
224 DAU October delta Aurigids w 0 0 191.0 83.5 50.4 65
256 ORN North. chi Orionids w 0 0 257.3 83.9 25.5 25
173 BTA Dayt. beta Taurids e 0 0 96.7 84.9 23.5 29
258 DAR Dec. alpha Aurigids w 0 0 262.2 84.9 35.5 20
225 SOR sigma Orionids w 0 0 191.7 86.0 -03.0 65
210 BAU beta Aurigids w 0 0 179.3 86.0 43.0 67
306 COL Columbids w 0 0 244.7 86.0 -34.0 -
226 ZTA zeta Taurids w 0 0 196.0 86.1 14.7 67
211 AOR Sept. alpha Orionids w 0 0 183.0 86.7 9.0 62
229 NAU nu Aurigids w 0 0 207.3 87.9 39.6 53
267 JNO January nu Orionids w 0 0 307.9 88.0 12.0 12
277 GCA gamma Camelopardalids w 0 0 109.0 88.7 79.0 23
270 FAO Febuary alpha Orionids w 0 0 318.0 88.8 9.4 9
390 THA November theta Aurigids w 0 0 237.0 89.0 34.7 34
206 AUR Aurigids e 0 0 158.7 89.8 38.7 66
250 NOO Nov. Orionids e 0 0 245.0 90.6 15.7 44
231 ACM Dayt. alpha Canis Majorids w 0 0 204.0 92.1 -14.0 59
396 DTA December theta Aurigids w 0 0 261.0 93.0 36.6 59
174 TAS Dayt. theta Aurigids w 0 0 96.0 93.3 31.3 16
205 XAU xi Aurigids w 0 0 158.0 93.5 62.6 57
244 PAR psi Aurigids w 0 0 227.0 94.0 50.0 57
188 XRI Dayt. xi Orionids e 0 0 117.7 94.4 15.0 44
8 ORI Orionids e 0 0 208.6 95.4 15.9 66
397 NGM nu Geminids w 0 0 262.0 99.0 18.1 66
394 ACA alpha Canis Majorids w 0 0 247.0 100.2 -17.3 42
400 BMO beta Monocerotids w 0 0 271.0 100.5 -08.8 31
109 ACN alpha Carinids w 0 0 311.2 100.7 -54.8 22
23 EGE epsilon Geminids w 0 0 206.0 101.6 26.7 69
19 MON Dec. Monocerotids e 0 0 260.9 101.8 8.1 42
227 OMO October Monocerotids w 0 0 206.0 101.9 -1.4 64
305 SPU sigma Puppids w 0 0 253.7 102.0 -45.0 36
307 TPU tau Puppids w 0 0 270.7 104.0 -50.0 31
111 FCM February Canis Majorids w 0 0 330.6 104.3 -25.6 70
425 PSA psi Aurigids w 0 0 199.0 107.0 42.0 69
395 GCM gamma Canis Majorids w 0 0 257.0 109.8 -11.3 44
424 SOL September-October Lyncids w 0 0 186.0 110.0 48.8 68
239 GPU October gamma Puppids w 0 0 202.7 110.1 -44.0 39
106 API alpha Pictorids w 0 0 325.0 110.1 -65.1 30
137 PPU pi Puppids e 0 0 33.6 110.4 -45.1 15
81 SLY Sept. Lyncids w 0 0 185.0 110.9 47.9 65
228 OLY October Lyncids w 0 0 206.0 111.3 48.8 65
398 DCM December Canis Majorids w 0 0 266.0 112.3 -14.6 43
253 CMI Dec. Canis Minorids w 0 0 252.4 112.9 7.7 40
308 PIP January pi Puppids w 0 0 290.7 113.0 -43.0 33
4 GEM Geminids e 0 0 262.1 113.2 32.5 35
377 DMO Daytime Monocerotids w 0 0 137.0 114.1 -03.1 37
126 SGE March delta-Geminids w 0 0 361.0 114.5 12.2 8
284 OMA Omicron Ursae Majorids w 0 0 228.9 115.0 70.0 9
94 RGE rho Geminids w 0 0 297.0 115.8 24.9 23
246 AMO alpha Monocerotids e 0 0 239.3 117.1 0.8 63
268 BCD beta Cancrids w 0 0 316.2 119.4 11.0 15
202 ZCA Dayt. zeta Cancrids w 0 0 147.0 119.7 19.0 44
376 ALN August Lyncids w 0 0 135.0 119.8 55.1 42
243 ZCN zeta Cancrids w 0 0 225.0 120.5 14.3 63
232 BCN Dayt. beta Cancrids w 0 0 213.0 121.7 4.9 66
189 DMC Dayt. mu Cancrids w 0 0 126.0 122.7 22.4 24
300 ZPU zeta Puppids w 0 0 254.7 123.0 -43.0 39
301 PUP gamma Puppids w 0 0 255.0 123.0 -45.0 38
93 VEL Puppid-Velids II Complex w 93 0 296.0 123.0 -48.3 33
271 MLY March Lyncids w 0 0 339.4 123.5 50.3 9
309 GVE gamma Velids w 0 0 288.0 125.0 -47.0 33
331 AHY alpha Hydrids e 0 0 285.5 127.6 -07.9 44
255 PUV Puppid-Velid I Complex w 255 0 254.0 128.0 -45.0 37
302 PVE b Puppids w 0 0 256.3 128.0 -45.0 39
259 CAR Carinid Complex w 259 0 264.0 129.0 -58.0 39
312 ECA epsilon Carinids w 0 0 263.7 129.0 -58.0 39
96 NCC North. delta Cancrids w 0 0 296.3 130.0 20.0 26
245 NHD Nov. Hydrids w 0 0 235.0 130.3 -06.3 66
399 DHY December Hydrids w 0 0 266.0 131.5 -11.3 55
16 HYD sigma Hydrids e 0 0 265.5 131.9 0.2 58
310 APY January alpha Pixidids w 0 0 304.7 132.0 -34.0 -
311 DVE delta Velids w 0 0 319.7 132.0 -56.0 33
303 LVL lambda Velids w 0 0 269.7 133.0 -46.0 33
97 SCC South. delta Cancrids w 0 0 296.3 134.1 10.1 25
304 CVE c Velids w 0 0 273.0 135.0 -46.0 36
266 ACC alpha Cancrids w 0 0 303.5 135.4 6.3 19
122 APX alpha Pyxidids w 0 0 345.9 135.5 -35.2 26
113 SDL South. delta Leonids w 0 0 334.7 137.7 17.8 17
252 ALY alpha Lyncids w 0 0 268.9 138.8 43.8 50
340 TPY Theta Pyxidids w 0 0 249.4 139.0 -25.5 60
408 KHY kappa Hydrids w 0 0 283.0 139.1 -12.9 38
203 GLE Dayt. gamma Leonids w 0 0 148.7 139.9 12.4 20
110 AAN alpha Antliids e 0 0 313.1 140.0 -10.0 43
125 SAL South. alpha Leonids w 0 0 359.0 141.8 -7.0 12
204 DXL Dayt. chi Leonids w 0 0 154.0 142.1 12.8 27
333 OCU Oct. Ursae Majorids w 0 0 202.0 144.8 64.5 54
381 DPL Daytime pi Leonids w 0 0 174.0 145.6 8.7 42
283 OPL pi Leonids w 0 0 218.1 146.0 8.0 6
319 JLE January Leonids e 0 0 282.5 148.3 23.9 53
402 JHY January Hydrids w 0 0 292.0 149.7 -22.1 38
13 LEO Leonids e 0 0 235.1 154.2 21.6 71
405 MHY mu Hydrids w 0 0 300.0 154.3 -20.9 39
221 DSX Dayt. Sexantids e 0 0 188.4 154.5 -01.5 31
318 MVE mu Velids w 0 0 262.0 155.0 -41.0 54
32 DLM Dec. Leonis Minorids w 0 0 262.4 156.1 32.7 62
383 LDR lambda Draconids w 0 0 196.0 156.1 74.7 38
39 NAL North. alpha Leonids w 0 0 349.0 158.7 31.0 11
121 NHY nu Hydrids w 0 0 343.1 159.1 -12.2 20
22 LMI Leonis Minorids e 0 0 209.0 159.5 36.7 62
313 ECR eta Carinids w 0 0 280.7 160.0 -60.0 -
401 BSX beta Sextandids w 0 0 292.0 160.2 1.8 53
382 BUM beta Ursae Majorids w 0 0 184.0 161.2 56.5 50
212 KLE Dayt. kappa Leonids e 0 0 181.0 162.7 15.7 44
105 OCN Centaurid I Complex w 105 0 323.4 165.6 -60.3 42
281 OCT October Camelopardalids e 0 0 193.0 166.0 79.1 47
339 PSU Psi Ursae Majorids w 0 0 252.9 167.8 44.5 61
112 NDL North. delta Leonids w 0 0 334.7 168.0 16.0 20
223 GVI Dayt. gamma Virginids w 0 0 184.0 168.4 3.6 23
426 DCR Daytime Craterids w 0 0 158.0 168.8 -15.3 19
341 XUM January Xi Ursae Majorids w 0 0 300.6 169.0 33.0 40
242 XDR xi Draconids w 0 0 210.8 170.3 73.3 36
222 DDl Dayt. delta Leonids w 0 0 183.0 172.7 21.2 31
274 NUM nu Ursae Majorids w 0 0 54.4 173.5 45.2 9
119 LCE lambda Centaurids w 0 0 359.0 173.7 -59.5 38
385 AUM alpha Ursae Majorids w 0 0 209.0 174.6 64.6 36
52 OUM omega Ursae Majorids w 0 0 62.0 174.7 66.7 27
20 COM Dec. Comae Berenicids e 0 0 274.0 175.2 22.2 64
38 CUR xi Ursae Majorids w 0 0 358.0 175.4 30.1 19
46 BCR beta Craterids w 0 0 13.5 176.8 -26.9 23
315 OCA omega Centaurids w 0 0 322.7 177.0 -56.0 51
89 PVI January pi Virginids w 0 0 295.0 179.0 9.0 65
124 SVI South. March Virginids w 0 0 354.0 179.7 -8.5 23
21 AVB alpha Virginids w 0 0 28.0 179.9 -7.7 18
134 NGV Northern gamma Virginids w 0 0 24.3 180.6 17.7 12
11 EVI eta Virginids w 0 0 354.0 182.1 2.6 29
387 OKD October kappa Draconids w 0 0 216.0 182.1 63.4 37
135 SGV South. gamma Virginids w 0 0 22.7 183.2 -15.5 14
123 NVI Northern March Virginids w 0 0 354.0 185.7 2.3 23
336 KDR December Kappa Draconids w 0 0 250.2 186.0 70.1 43
406 FCB February Comae Berenicids w 0 0 324.0 186.2 29.1 24
335 XVI December Chi Virginids w 0 0 256.7 186.8 -07.9 68
316 BHD beta Hydrids w 0 0 320.7 187.0 -34.0 -
133 PUM April psi Ursae Majorids w 0 0 23.0 188.6 58.7 10
90 JCO January Comae Berenicids w 0 0 301.0 188.9 16.8 64
380 KDR kappa Draconids w 0 0 158.0 189.4 73.1 38
314 ACR alpha Crucids w 0 0 299.7 192.0 -63.0 48
186 EUM epsilon Ursae Majorids w 0 0 106.0 192.5 61.7 15
136 SLE sigma Leonids w 0 0 27.7 192.6 3.1 23
63 COR Corvids e 0 0 94.9 192.6 -19.4 9
272 ACO Aprilalpha Comae Berenicids w 0 0 17.8 193.1 22.9 17
240 DFV Dayt. psi Virginids w 0 0 202.0 193.7 -9.6 21
392 NID November i Draconids w 0 0 241.0 200.1 64.5 43
403 CVN Canum Venaticids w 0 0 293.0 203.3 42.8 53
103 TCE Centaurid II Complex w 103 0 321.0 203.8 -39.6 60
343 HVI h Virginids w 0 0 39.0 204.2 -11.6 19
334 DAD December Alpha Draconids w 0 0 256.5 207.9 60.6 42
317 TCN theta Centaurids w 0 0 322.7 210.0 -40.0 59
101 PIH pi Hydrids w 0 0 317.1 210.3 -23.0 71
251 IVI Dayt. iota Virginids w 0 0 223.0 210.4 -3.8 29
49 LVI lambda Virginids w 0 0 20.0 210.7 -10.2 27
102 ACE alpha Centaurids e 0 0 319.4 210.9 -58.2 59
393 RBO rho Bootids w 0 0 242.0 215.7 31.8 43
273 PBO phi Bootids w 0 0 42.1 217.5 53.7 15
148 MLV May lambda Virginids w 0 0 45.0 217.7 -31.2 26
162 ACI alpha Circinids w 0 0 73.9 218.6 -70.2 27
138 ABO alpha Bootids w 0 0 36.7 218.8 14.5 21
15 URS Ursids e 0 0 271.0 219.4 75.3 33
322 LBO lambda Bootids e 332 2 295.5 219.6 43.2 42
276 ADR alpha Draconids w 0 0 80.5 220.0 66.4 12
170 JBO June Bootids e 0 0 96.3 222.9 47.9 14
275 CLI chi Librids w 0 0 79.7 223.2 -20.4 12
139 GLI gamma Librids w 0 0 39.0 223.9 -12.8 26
104 GBO gamma Bootids w 0 0 321.0 224.4 39.1 50
178 JCE July Centaurids w 0 0 103.3 225.0 -35.0 15
47 DLI mu Virginids w 0 0 39.0 226.8 -08.7 28
422 NLL Northern Librids-Luppids w 0 0 67.8 227.9 -17.4 13
61 TAH tau Herculids e 0 0 72.0 228.5 39.8 15
332 BCB Bootid-Coronae Borealid Complexw 332 0 296.0 230.0 37.0 42
10 QUA Quadrantids e 0 0 283.3 230.0 49.5 41
27 KSE kappa Serpentids w 0 0 15.7 230.6 17.8 45
262 KLI Dayt. kappa Librids w 0 0 259.0 231.3 -20.8 32
404 GUM gamma Ursae Minorids w 0 0 299.0 231.8 66.8 32
321 TCB theta Coronae Borealids e 332 1 296.5 232.3 35.8 39
280 ADL delta Librids w 0 0 141.7 234.5 -02.5 7
423 SLL Southern Librids-Luppids w 0 0 64.9 235.5 -30.8 21
140 XLI April chi Librids w 0 0 39.0 236.3 -18.9 34
34 DSE delta Serpentids w 0 0 323.0 237.0 9.6 65
427 FED February eta Draconids w 0 0 315.1 239.9 62.5 36
180 MSE mu Serpentids w 0 0 114.0 240.0 11.0 8
278 MSR July mu Serpendids w 0 0 112.2 240.8 4.7 10
320 OSE omega Serpentids e 0 0 275.5 242.7 0.5 39
330 SSE sigma Serpentids e 0 0 275.5 242.8 -00.1 43
161 SSC South. omega Scorpiids w 0 0 70.0 243.7 -22.1 23
323 XCB xi Coronae Borealids e 332 3 294.5 244.8 31.1 44
418 BEH beta Herculids w 0 0 324.0 246.0 23.8 57
241 OUI October Ursae Minorids w 0 0 208.0 246.6 74.3 31
261 DDC Dayt. delta Scorpiids w 0 0 254.0 246.6 -26.3 25
55 ASC alpha Scorpiids w 0 0 55.2 247.0 -28.8 31
66 NSC North. omega Scorpiids w 0 0 70.0 248.1 -15.3 20
149 NOP North. May Ophiuchids w 0 0 49.7 249.0 -14.0 28
279 ZED July zeta Draconids w 0 0 115.7 251.6 66.5 21
118 GNO gamma Normids w 0 0 353.0 251.6 -51.3 64
346 XHE x Herculids w 0 0 352.0 254.0 48.0 34
107 DCH delta Chamaeleontids w 0 0 325.0 254.4 -86.1 43
352 ZOP zeta Ophiuchids w 0 0 47.0 254.8 -04.4 23
150 SOP South. May Ophiuchids w 0 0 56.7 258.0 -24.0 28
73 ZDR zeta Draconids w 0 0 141.0 260.5 30.0 14
9 DRA October Draconids e 0 0 195.1 264.1 57.6 20
220 NDR nu Draconids w 0 0 170.3 265.4 59.8 20
43 ZSE zeta Serpentids w 0 0 365.0 266.3 -06.3 67
412 FOP f Ophiuchids w 0 0 98.0 266.4 8.5 21
45 PDF phi Draconids w 0 0 368.0 267.1 69.4 23
345 FHE f Herculids w 0 0 346.0 268.0 41.0 43
218 GSA Sept. gamma Sagittariids w 0 0 170.1 270.8 -31.0 6
67 NSA North. mu Sagittariids w 0 0 78.0 271.9 -17.3 23
6 LYR April Lyrids e 0 0 32.4 272.0 33.3 47
197 AUD August Draconids w 0 0 142.0 272.5 65.1 17
413 MU mu Lyrids w 0 0 116.0 273.1 39.4 23
69 SSG South. mu Sagittariids w 0 0 78.0 276.4 -27.5 20
391 NDD November delta Draconids w 0 0 241.0 277.7 68.2 26
99 JSC Dayt. Scutids w 0 0 280.4 278.2 -07.8 24
167 NSS Nothern sigma Sagittariids w 0 0 87.0 278.6 -25.3 29
184 GDR July Gamma Draconids w 0 0 125.3 280.1 51.1 27
166 JLY June Lyrids w 0 0 85.2 280.3 55.0 33
142 MDR mu Draconids w 0 0 29.2 281.0 57.9 28
169 SCU Scutids w 0 0 94.9 281.7 0.9 19
181 KPA kappa Pavonids w 0 0 114.8 282.3 -66.9 19
349 LLY lambda Lyrids w 0 0 41.0 283.7 28.5 33
361 TSR theta Serpentids w 0 0 65.0 284.0 6.0 32
12 KCG kappa Cygnids e 0 0 145.2 284.0 52.7 24
100 XSA Dayt. xi Sagittariids w 0 0 304.9 284.8 -18.6 26
151 EAU epsilon Aquilids w 0 0 59.0 284.9 15.6 31
88 ODR omicron Draconids w 0 0 115.5 285.0 61.3 29
146 CAU beta Coronae Australids w 0 0 54.7 285.1 -39.9 56
356 MVL May Vulpeculids w 0 0 54.0 287.2 22.5 33
200 ESE eta Serpentids w 0 0 151.0 287.7 -03.7 9
145 ELY eta Lyrids e 0 0 49.1 292.5 39.7 45
168 SSS South. sigma Sagittariids w 0 0 92.3 293.1 -14.0 23
282 DCY delta Cygnids w 0 0 200.8 294.6 46.5 14
165 SZC South. June Aquilids e 0 0 80.0 297.8 -33.9 33
164 NZC North. June Aquilids e 0 0 86.0 298.3 -07.1 36
233 OCC October Capricornids e 0 0 189.7 303.0 -10.0 10
40 ZCY zeta Cygnids w 0 0 20.0 303.8 44.8 39
182 OCY omicron Cygnids w 0 0 117.2 304.5 49.7 39
214 BCP beta Capricornids w 0 0 167.7 305.7 -12.8 37
1 CAP alpha Capricornids e 0 0 127.0 306.6 -08.2 22
120 DPA delta Pavonids w 0 0 11.1 309.1 -62.8 58
421 MMI May Microscopiids w 0 0 57.9 309.4 -42.7 60
116 DEQ Dayt. epsilon Aquariids w 0 0 315.8 310.2 -06.8 23
131 DAL delta Aquilids w 0 0 23.0 310.6 -00.2 66
265 JGD January gamma Delphinids w 0 0 289.4 311.0 18.0 14
179 SCA sigma Capricornids w 0 0 110.0 311.1 -14.5 27
409 NCY nu Cygnids w 0 0 35.0 312.6 42.9 42
420 CCA chi Capricornids w 0 0 58.1 314.3 -23.2 65
115 DSC Dayt. Sagittariids-Capricornidsw 0 0 312.5 315.0 -23.3 27
83 OCG October Cygnids w 0 0 206.0 317.8 52.6 17
359 MZC May zeta Cygnids w 0 0 60.0 318.2 29.8 29
370 MIC Microscopiids w 0 0 104.0 320.3 -28.3 38
114 DXC Dayt. chi Capricornids w 0 0 311.3 321.4 6.0 19
327 BEQ beta Equuleids e 0 0 106.5 321.5 8.7 32
348 ARC April rho Cygnids w 0 0 37.0 324.5 45.9 42
326 EPG epsilon Pegasids e 0 0 105.5 326.3 14.7 30
33 NIA North. iota Aquariids e 0 0 147.7 328.0 -04.7 28
199 ADC August delta Capricornids w 0 0 146.0 328.7 -16.0 22
76 KAQ kappa Aquariids w 0 0 179.0 334.0 -13.8 13
24 PEG mu Pegasids w 0 0 230.4 335.5 21.8 11
350 MAL May Lacertids w 0 0 42.0 335.6 45.3 43
31 ETA eta Aquariids e 0 0 46.9 336.9 -01.5 66
367 OPG omicron Pegasids w 0 0 100.0 336.9 31.2 29
213 BRC beta Gruids w 0 0 160.3 337.0 -47.0 21
235 LCY lambda Cygnids w 0 0 199.0 338.6 31.3 18
128 MKA Dayt. kappa Aquariids w 0 0 354.0 338.7 -07.7 33
3 SIA South. iota Aquariids e 0 0 131.7 339.0 -15.6 35
175 JPE July Pegasids w 0 0 107.5 340.0 15.0 61
159 TAQ tau Aquariids w 0 0 97.3 340.3 -11.5 64
5 SDA South. delta Aquariids e 0 0 125.6 342.1 -15.4 41
65 GDE gamma Delphinids w 0 0 80.4 342.3 12.2 56
195 BIN beta Indids w 0 0 157.3 342.8 -51.7 14
328 ALA alpha Lacertids e 0 0 105.5 343.0 49.6 39
143 LPE Dayt. lambda Pegasids w 0 0 29.7 343.5 19.9 38
26 NDA North. delta Aquariids w 0 0 123.4 344.7 0.4 41
342 BPI August Beta Piscids w 0 0 140.0 346.4 1.4 38
117 DCQ Dayt. c Aquariids w 0 0 325.0 346.7 -23.7 14
183 PAU Piscis Austrinids e 0 0 123.7 347.9 -23.7 44
366 JBP July beta Pegasids w 0 0 100.0 349.1 34.4 28
347 BPG beta Pegasids w 0 0 36.0 350.5 27.8 41
147 PAQ phi Aquariids w 0 0 60.0 350.9 -03.5 64
129 QPE Dayt. q Pegasids w 0 0 354.0 352.3 12.9 22
127 MCA March Cassiopeiids w 0 0 350.0 352.8 52.3 15
177 BCA beta Cassiopeiids w 0 0 126.6 352.9 58.8 50
371 APG alpha Pegasids w 0 0 106.0 353.9 17.8 36
357 PHP phi Pegasids w 0 0 54.0 358.3 20.7 30
358 TOP tau Ophiuchids w 0 0 55.0 369.3 -06.4 37
236 GPS gamma Piscids w 0 0 200.0 377.7 9.3 13
187 PCA psi Cassiopeiids e 0 0 106.0 389.4 71.5 40
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