I'm author of a planner named "Eye&Telescope". It can drive Guide's charts (center on objects selected in E&T in it's various lists) and you can create a file for the "User Objects" overlay.
E&T contains a small tool that shows up if you select an object in Guide that's also known to E&T's database. Then you can insert it into an observing plan or a project, create a new log entry for this object or have it displayed on a chart (E&T does charting too, but with emphasis on perceptibility - a quite unique approach in astro software).
German users frequently told me that Guide and Eye&Telescope make a unique, extremely powerful team. You can try it out, using the free demo.
For more information on Eye&Telescope, visit www.eyeandtelescope.de.
Outside Europe, E&T will soon be shipped by Cambridge University Press:
The availability date was delay several times, but it should now really become available soon.
Kind regards - and forgive me advertising my own product.